Thursday, April 21, 2016

MSNBC's Love Affair With Donald Trump

MSNBC's coverage of Tuesday's New York presidential primary continued the networks love affair with Donald Trump and used superlatives to describe his victory over John Kasich and Ted Cruz.  But the real story of Trump's win was that it was predictable, expected and the polls prior to the primary gave Trump a large lead.  After all, it was Trump's state and spouting superlatives was totally phony.

Governor John Kasich won his state's primary in Ohio and Ted Cruz won his state's primary in Texas just like they were expected to do and MSNBC described those two wins as ho-hum because they knew it was predictable.  The double standard by MSNBC is just another example of the networks favorite candidate who they generously give free air time to.

This writer tuned MSNBC out early because it was evident where they were going with the story.  Its ironic that both Clinton and Sanders received more votes than Trump but that was never mentioned before I turned the network off.  On primary election nights once the votes are counted, that is all that matters.  All of the talk before and after is to fill up air time and an attempt to influence the voters with silly statements by the networks host.

In the year 2016 it can be said that television was more informative before the existence of the cable news networks.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio