Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Will The New Year Bring Politically

A repeat of past mistakes or the wisdom to learn from the past and have a better future. A triple history will begin the New Year in January 2011 with President Obama starting his third year in office. Our nations major combat role in Iraq is over; the congress will be split with democrats controlling the U.S. Senate and the republicans controlling the U. S. House; the expectation of the economy making big gains, a continued expansion and the best since the early part of 2007. Job creation should be a certainty with the economic expansion.

The question is will our leaders learn from the past mistakes to determine the country's future. The previous administration did not and our country and its people paid an awful price. President Obama during his first two years in office succumbed to the past on a few issues and now has two more years to apply what he has learned and lead our country and its people into the future.

We know the republicans in congress will be little help since they want the President to be a one term leader. The President does have enough clout to over come that and must exert his leadership and courage to do so. The President also needs to reduce our troop presence in Afghanistan in a big way in 2011. It can be done without harming our national security. The U.S. has the intelligence capacity, military power and equipment to take care of the terror threat without occupying other lands.

Since no republican administration has presided over a balanced budget in over 50 years, actually 1960, the President needs to avoid the PAST mistakes of that party and apply what he has learned to reducing future deficits and balance the budget. President Clinton's ideas and knowledge of the budget would be a good place to start to reverse the sad fiscal PAST of the previous republican administrations.

The republican party has learned nothing from the PAST failure of trickle down economics that started with Reagan over 30 years ago. Bush 43 repeated the same PAST mistake with his tax cuts for the wealthy and dammed the future of his time in office. President Obama will have to support policies that will truly work to better our future. We know where we have been on the subject and we do not dare go there again.

President Obama has a unique position having served two years as chief executive. If he has not learned from the PAST the country and its people are in real trouble. He knows why deficit spending is a problem, why we can not afford to stay in Afghanistan, why we have to have an expanding economy and job creation and the many other problems that have been with us for so many years. It is now time to reverse the PAST and do those things that really matter and make a difference for our future and future generations.

Over six thousand years ago the very first civilization, that of the Sumerians said they were taught that the PAST is the key to the FUTURE. It is my hope that 6000 years later, we in this generation will be able to say that in the year 2011 the U.S. learned from its PAST and created a great FUTURE for its country and its people.