Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore: A True American Hero

First of all, I would like to say congratulations to Al Gore, who has won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is truly an American, and in fact, an international, hero. Some might be afraid to admit it, but Global Warming is real and the reality is scary. We've seen some of its frightening affects already: rising temperatures, longer summers, shorter winters, rapidly melting ice caps, rising sea levels, more frequent and stronger hurricanes, etc. The world can not afford to ignore Global Warming any longer and we can credit Gore for bringing this once taboo topic to the forefront of issues being discussed globally. It might sound very "superman-like", but I can truly attest that Al Gore is trying to save the planet(and us) from its own destruction. He, more than anyone else, deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and I know that he will continue to work for the betterment of our planet and for that, we all owe Gore a huge thank you.

Secondly, I want to talk about the possibility of Gore in '08. Many want Gore to enter the race for the presidency, and I too wouldn't mind it. He is ready to be president, and should be, as he DID win in 2000. But thats another story. Back on topic, I honestly don't see Gore running in 2008. He would technically have to enter in the next few weeks to have any shot at winning the nomination. The problem is that democrats are satisfied with their current candidates and Gore doesn't want to, and shouldn't, come in just to lose. Hillary Clinton, polls show, has 53% of democrat's support. Obama and Edwards are also strong candidates. There just doesn't seem to be a niche for Gore, and I'm sure Gore recognizes that. He can probably have just as much influence serving as an adviser to the next President on environmental issues and serving as an environmental ambassador around the world as he would in the Oval Office himself.

So to end, I would just again like to say thank you to Al Gore for all his work and congratulations on his much deserved award. Keep up the good work, Al, the world needs you to.