Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The President's State of The Union Address.

President Trump attempted to achieve in his State of the Union Address what he has failed to achieve as a Presidential candidate and as a President for the past year.  He recognized in the audience several Americans and their heroic actions which stands at odds with Trump's own divisiveness, his lack of respect for others, his corrupt attitude and treasonous acts.  He used those good people because he himself can not walk the talk.  Those heroes stood head and heels over the President.

Trump also used his address early on to out right lie to the American people when he said unemployment was the lowest in the past 40 years.  The unemployment rate at the end of December was 4.1% as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor.  The lowest unemployment in the last 40 years actually took place on President Clinton's watch when it stood below 4% for 4 straight months September thru December of 2000.  The President also lied when he said his tax cut was the largest in history.  The Reagan and George W. Bush tax cuts were actually larger.

The trumpet man followed the script of past republican Presidents, wrapping himself with the flag, American morals, national defense, in God we trust and the national anthem.  And like his past republican friends, failed to live up to the test big time.  That is the reason he invited the heroes to be recognized.  One would think a President's State of the Union Address would be about the positive positions he has taken to move the country forward and lead the free world, but he has no such accomplishments.  Impeachment is still the only answer to the malignancy in the White House.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio