Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Republican Party Is Consistent: But Unfortunately, Consistently Wrong.

The democratic controlled congress during President Obama's early years in office passed the President's policies that are responsible for the great turn around in the economy, job creation,  reducing the federal deficit and lowering the unemployment rate.  The democrats answered the call in face of the worst economic recession left by the previous republican administration.  The republicans in congress voted against the President's policies and in fact predicted doom and gloom for the economy, job creation and increasing the federal deficit if that legislation was passed by congress.  And they were proven wrong.

And if that sounds familiar its because you heard the same doom and gloom predictions when the democratic controlled congress passed President Clinton's economic and deficit reduction plan in 1993.  And when the Clinton administration balanced the first federal budget since L.B. Johnson in fiscal 1969, the republicans in congress tried to take credit for that.  But Clinton wisely reminded them they had nothing to do with it and did not invite them to the party celebration by the democrats.  And then just this month Mitch McConnel, the lead republican obstructionist proclaimed his party was responsible for the economic good news under Obama.  McConnell and his party are consistent in their failed predictions.  It should be noted that all republicans in the House and Senate voted against President Clinton's plan.

Learning from the past in order to create a better future is not a virture of the republican party.  Being so wrong on a consistent basis allows the voters to understand just why republican administrations have very little accomplishments moving the country and the people forward.  In fact their only policy in the past 30 plus years has been trickle down economics which has proven not to be a policy at all.

President Obama's economic policies have been a success but republicans will still oppose the President for the next two years regardless what proposals he introduces.  Its part of their "stand for nothing" S.O.P.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio