Thursday, August 25, 2022

Louisiana's U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy: A "sad lot" Member of The GOP.

 In a Times Picayune article dated 8/25 by columnist Mark Ballard titled, "Louisiana delegation reaction mixed" concerning the President's plan to forgive some student loan debt, Cassidy's response was the usual GOP talking points they express about every democratic action.  And Cassidy's talking point actually represents what takes place when the government is controlled by his own party.

Cassidy said the President's action is a spit in the face of Louisiana families that will cost taxpayers $2,000 each because of the $300 billion cost, meaning the cost will be financed by deficit spending.  Of course, Cassidy dare not mention the $1.5 trillion Trump/GOP tax cut that he voted for that provided tax cuts to corporations and the most wealthy.  That $1.5 trillion tax cut cost five times the cost of the President's student load action and was paid for by deficit spending.  So, the cost to each taxpayer under the Trump/GOP tax cuts was 5 times greater than the $2,000 Cassidy alleges under the President's plan.

Columnist never seem to have an appetite to inform their readers of the hypocritical statements of the GOP and especially Senator Cassidy.  So, stay tuned to "Politidose" for your daily dose of political commentary. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Note:  As a reminder to all who are really interested in federal spending, Trump and the GOP ended their 4 fiscal years as the greatest spending administration in history.  In just 4 fiscal years federal spending passed the 4,5 and 6 trillion dollar mark.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The State of Kansas Vote On The Abortion Issue Confirms What "Politidose" Commentary Said Years Ago.

The GOP and the so called conservative voices of anti-abortion rhetoric knew long ago that the best way to address the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision they opposed would be through a constitutional amendment or an act of congress.  But no republican President or republican controlled house of congress ever attempted to address the issue that way.  Instead, they made the issue a divisive one for political purposes using extreme charges and personal attacks against those who were pro-choice.  They also dare not admit that it was a republican appointed majority Supreme Court that legalized abortion in the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973.

"Politidose" commentary explained long ago why the GOP never sought to go the route of a constitutional amendment or an act of congress.  And their hidden reason was they knew they could not muster 3/4 of the states to ratify an amendment or a majority vote in congress to do so.  That outcome would kill any future talk by the anti-abortion crowd and kill their issue of division.  So, for 49 years, the GOP kept up their steady drum beat of misinformation concerning abortion.

The recent Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe passed the abortion issue to the states which was right up the GOP's ally.  Then along came the state of Kansas whose people voted 59%-41% to uphold the states constitution that provides for a woman's right to choose.  A group of Republicans then asked for a paid for recount. (Does that remind anyone Trump?)  And what do you know, the recount confirmed the original vote count.  That group was trying to keep the division alive for political purposes.

The Kansas vote confirmed what the GOP knew 49 years ago, the American voters believe abortion is a personal decision and should not be a political one made by politicians.  It also confirms what "Politidose"commentary said years ago about why the GOP never intended to go the way of an amendment or an act of congress.  For the GOP, abortion was their divisive issue to obtain votes.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio 


Teen Age Gun Violence Deaths and The GOP

 According to a report in the New Orleans Advocate of Aug. 21, youths 1-19 years of age who died by gun violence hit a record number and exceeded that killed in auto related deaths.  The source of information comes from the 2020 CDC Kids Count Data Center which was the last full year account reported and covers the year 2020.

The article notes the top ten states with the highest average gun deaths per 100,000 people in 2020.  Number one on the list was Louisiana, followed by #2 Mississippi, #3 Arkansas, #4Missouri, #5 South Carolina, #6 Indiana, #7 Alabama, #8 Illinois, #9 Georgia and #10 Tennessee.  Eight of those top ten states are governed by the GOP while two are governed by democrats, Louisiana and Illinois.  The record deaths in 2020 for those youths ages 1-19 was 29.5% higher than in 2019 per the CDC report.

The report indicates that society as a whole is subject to gun violence deaths and that younger children are included in a large way.  And the rate keeps climbing.  There are stats that indicate that states with weaker gun laws tend to have the most violent gun related deaths in all categories.  

The gun related deaths the CDC and other groups track provide evidence over time that more needs to be done to control the sale and use of firearms.  The blame game has not resulted in a better out come and gun violence deaths have increased what should be an alarming rate to everyone since the assault weapons ban expired.  The Federal government also allowed President Clinton's financial help to the states expire that put 100,000 police officers on the streets of America.  That was a double whammy to a program that worked.  

Congress needs to step up to the plate, meet its obligation to protect and serve and reverse the carnage of gun violence deaths.  The second amendment has not kept us safe nor has the so called tough talk and without a doubt, the record increase in gun ownership has not kept us safe.  Congress must ack and must act soon.  It is the only answer left.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Mitch McConnell: The GOP's Senate Leader and Obstructionist.

 The GOP's long time leader in the U.S. Senate Mitch McConnell, once again shows his anti-Democratic ideology of governing with his recent statement about the lack of "quality" GOP candidates running in the November congressional elections.  It is another sad chapter of his obstruction and his party's attitude about governing.

For the past 6 months his party and the conservative media have predicted a red wave in the November elections and his party taking control of both houses of congress from the democrats.  And during that time Mitch never mentioned the lack of "quality" among GOP hopefuls and did not even care.  Then along came recent new polling that indicated the GOP would actually lose senate seats in the November elections and fail to regain control of the senate.

That news did not sit well with Mitch because he wants to control the senate so bad once again and foul up the rest of President Biden's time in office.  So, Mitch decided to strike against the GOP's lack of "quality" senate candidates going into the elections, many of which are supported by Donald Trump.  In other words, as long as the GOP could win, Mitch could care less about the "quality" of the GOP candidates.  The power is what is important to Mitch and the GOP so they can continue to seek rule over the country and its people which they have no regards for.

The American people should vote for democracy in November and keep the control of congress in the hands of the democratic party.  Democracy is at stake and so is our American way of life and the rule of law.  America the Beautiful is what America has always fought for through wars and peace since we became one nation under GOD with liberty and justice for all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Politidose Commentary Called The Shot On Donald Trump's Traitorous Act Back In 2016 While The News Media Remained Silent.

This writer's commentary in "Politidose" dated 7/31/2016 titled, "A Traitor Among Us:  Donald Trump, Vladmir Putin and Russia" recorded Trump's very first traitorous act as a Presidential candidate while the major news organizations were silent.  And they have been silent ever since on other traitorous acts of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, the republican party's Presidential candidate committed his traitorous act and betrayed his country when he asked Russia's Putin to hack into Hillary Clinton's email in an attempt to find damaging information on Clinton to help his campaign for President.  Politidose commentary at the time was the only news media outlet that picked up on Trump's traitorous act.  Presidential candidates do not ask foreign governments to invade American privacy for political gain.  

And now 6 years later the media still enables Trump with their coverage and are afraid of Trump, like  so many of his ditto heads.  What took place on January 6, 2021 when President Trump urged his followers to storm the U.S. Capitol and try to intimidate congress to change the electoral vote was also a traitorous act and betrayal of America.  His failure to shut down his mob timely after urging from his advisers also was a betrayal of America. 

Politidose in 2016 also called America's attention to the fact that the GOP and Trump was one and the same and time has proven that to be true.  The media still has failed to cross that line and the enabling continues.  And as of this writing Trump and the GOP are one and the same even more with their anti-American rhetoric against America's institutions and law enforcement agencies.  Every day they attempt to undermine democracy with lies, misinformation and statements that betray the rule of democratic government.  Sad as it is, the media has enabled the Trump/GOP hateful rhetoric to poison and divide our great country.  Columnist Froma Harrop recognized the media's enabling of the GOP in a New Orleans Advocate commentary dated 8/15/22 titled "The media are doing the GOP's dirty work."  The article is right on target, easy to understand and timely.  It should be read by all.

At a time when America is under attack from the Trump/GOP lies and anti-American rhetoric, the democratic party is standing tall against their betrayal and desire of authoritarian rule.  The party is discharging their obligation as elected officials to stand up for the rule of law, our institutions and investigating the serious threat that Trump and the GOP represent.  The media has failed to do their part in exposing those who seek to betray America and the rule of law.  In short, the media has failed the people at a time of great danger to our country.  

The democratic party, America's party, needs the help of every citizen to defeat the effort of Trump and the GOP to overthrow American democracy and install authoritarian rule.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 


Saturday, August 13, 2022

President Joe Biden and Speaker of The U.S. House Nancy Pelosi Are The Sane and Steady Voices Among The Negative Noise Machine.

 President Joe Biden and Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi's steady hand have accomplished much in the 18 months of the Biden administration.  Despite the negative noise of the GOP and the conservative media, their wisdom of having "political understanding" resulted in the passage of five major legislative bills in those 18 short months.  (1) COVID relief, (2) infrastructure, (3) Veteran's burn bill, (4) Chips bill, and (5) health and climate bill.

And through all the misinformation, lies and the ability of two ego driven democratic senators who blocked the President's BBB legislation, the sane voices of the President and the Speaker prevailed and moved the country and its people forward with a liberal/progressive legislative agenda that has worked and the new legislation passed in the last two weeks will have a positive effect on the U.S. economy into the future.  Former President Truman said in one of his famous sayings, "A PRESIDENT NEEDS POLITICAL UNDERSTANDING TO RUN GOVERNMENT, BUT HE MAY BE ELECTED WITHOUT IT."  That saying also applies to congress in this writer's opinion.

President Truman also said this in another one of his famous sayings:  " AMERICA WAS NOT BUILT ON FEAR, AMERICA WAS BUILT ON COURAGE, ON IMAGNATION AND AN UNBEATABLE DETERMINATION TO DO THE JOB AT HAND."  As everyone knows, the negative noise machine uses "fear" as a tactic to obstruct and divide.  That is all they have left to offer.  Sane voices are the ones who do the job at hand regardless how loud the noise gets.

The President and Speaker Pelosi's focus are on moving the country and its people forward despite the negative noise machine and its misinformation.  Their leadership and "political understanding" of government and their sane and steady voices are needed at a time of great threat to democracy that comes from within.

This writer is confident that America has the right leadership to face the challenges of today and the future.  Great progress has been made since the recession that began in February 2020 and the resulting 20 plus million job losses.  The recently passed legislation mentioned above will work to continue to move the economy in the right direction for all America.

Former President Truman would be proud of President Biden and Nancy Pelosi's "political understanding" to run government.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

The U.S. House Passes President Joe Biden's Health and Climate Legislation.

 Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi and the democratic controlled House wasted no time in passing the President's legislation concerning health, climate change and taxes for those who do not pay their fair share.  The vote was 220-207 with all republicans voting against the bill.  The legislation was approved by the U.S. Senate last week.

Speaker Pelosi and her party could have caused trouble for the legislation in pay back to Manchin and Sinema's sabotage of the President's BBB legislation, but Pelosi and her members understood the legislation did contain portions of BBB and would be a positive for the country, the people and the economy.  So, they did what was best for America and not their own egos and voted yes.  They will have time now to come back later and take up other important parts of BBB that needs to become law.

The GOP in congress who opposed the legislation, both in the House and Senate gave the same old worn out excuses used since the Reagan era.  "The legislation is a job killer, too costly, taxes the middle class, will increase the deficit, will increase inflation and a litany of other excuses."  It reflects their opposition to the President's COVID relief legislation the democrats passed that worked so well putting America back to work.

Democrats in the U.S. Senate should learn a lot from Speaker Pelosi's leadership and the "political understanding" democrats in the House have to be better public servants.  It requires putting America's interest first and foremost and self egos and special interest groups aside.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Media Needs More Journalists Like E.J. Dionne, Jr., Froma Harrop and Dana Milbank.

 Opinion columnists are many but few are journalists.  The exception are E.J. Dionne, Jr. Froma Harrop and Dana Milbank who are true journalists in every sense of the word.  Journalists know and understand the subject of their writings and therefore speak to the real issues and how those issues affect the country, the people and the heart of the matter at hand.

Opinion columnists simply have an opinion based on their partisan view and are not up to date on the issues nor the facts concerning the issues or how it fits in the scheme of things.  They have a preconceived ideology/opinion that has to fit their partisan views.  Their real motive is misinformation and division.  It is all they have to offer.

Dionne, Harrop and Milbank speak to the issues facing the country and its people and have a grasp in what the issues are about and their affects.  Real journalists understand how to speak to their readers concerning both sides of an issue with facts to make a judgement and not to divide.  The partisan opinion columnists have nothing of value to offer the readers and therefore its readers lack information to make any fair judgement on the issues.

With so much negative noise out there in the media and the division it seeks, America and its people  are greatly in need of more true journalists like Dionne, Harrop and Milbank to tell the real story about the issues that affect the country and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Recession Word and The Ignorance of The Negative Noise Machine On The U.S. Economy.

 For the past several months the negative noise machine has tried their best spreading misinformation about an economic recession.  The predictions have run something like this:  The recession is already here, or it will take place in the last quarter of 2022, or the middle or end of 2023.  The time frame keeps changing.  then after two quarters of negative GDP growth that is proof the country is already in recession and so on and so on it goes  J.P. Morgan, a large financial institution changed its tune about the time frame so many times one wonders "what's the point."

Well the negative noise machine is ignorant as to the definition of an economic recession and when it actually and or officially takes place.  The fact is The National Bureau of Economic Research, known as NBER established in 1920 is the arbiter of making the call on when a recession takes place.  NBER is a private nonpartisan organization network of over 1700 plus economist.  The division of NBER that makes the call after reviewing economic data is their "Business Cycle Dating Committee."  The committee takes into consideration a multitude of economic data and not just two straight quarters of negative growth like the negative noise machine would like the public to think.  The media who report and publish the negative noise are the enablers of passing on the misinformation from its sources.  My hometown newspaper, The Times Picayune in an editorial column of 8/4 titled, Semantics Aside, Economy Struggling seems to think that since almost everybody uses the two negative quarters to judge recession it must be true.  

The ignorance of those who pass on the negative comments surely have the means of knowing about NBER and that they are the officials in charge of making the recession call.  And keep in mind that NBER announced that the last U.S. recession began in February 2020.  That was two months before COVID hit the pandemic stage and two months before the labor department announced that the economy lost over 20 million jobs in April 2020.  Does any one remember the negative noise machine or the media mention that the U.S. economy went into recession in February of 2020, two months before the COVID pandemic?  In fact, Trump at that same time was treating COVID as just a word.  

The only answer as to why the negative noise machine and their enablers would want to promote a thing like recession and actually would want to see one would be to damage the President and his party going into the mid-term elections.  The negative noise is so bad Fox News tried to put a negative spin on the economy creating 528,000 jobs in July while those same negative voices were predicting 250,000 jobs.

The official word on recession if it comes, will have to be decided by the National Bureau of Economic Research and that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and The Unemployment Rate for July 2022.

 The U.S. Labor Department announced that the Economy added 528,000 jobs in July and the unemployment rate came in at 3.5%, down from 3.6% in June.  It was the 18th straight month of positive job growth for the economy under the Biden administration and the unemployment rate stands at a 50 year low.  Hourly wages were up 0.5% in July and up 5.2% over the same period last year.  The Department also announced that June's job creation was 398,000 instead of the 372,000 first reported.

The good jobs report tells us the U.S. economy is still producing despite all the negative reports in the media who for the last several months has tried to sell recession talk to the public and an economic crash.  Those negative voices were predicting July's report would show 250,000 jobs created but were wrong as they have been all year.  Unfortunately, the media has been the enablers of the negative voices and have nothing to offer the people concerning the positive on the economic recovery from the GOP's economic recession of 2020.

President Biden and the democratic party understand that there is no such thing as a self-sustaining economy and have more economic legislation planned that will help the economy continue to grow, provide jobs, lower the unemployment rate, reduce deficit spending, answer the call on climate change and keep America and its people safe.

The main threat to the economy is inflation, which cannot be sustained on its present course very much longer.  The threat comes from the negative voices in the GOP, the conservative media and those who want to see the President and the country fail.  They, along with many financial institutions are urging the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates fast and high to address inflation and know that would throw the economy into a recession of their own making.  They will continue to lie, give out misinformation and obstruct to reverse the success of the President's policies in favor of their own failed past.

And all the economic good news and the noise machines negative response was predicted and foretold here in past Politidose commentary even before President Biden took office.  It was all laid out for everyone to read 12/7/20 in commentary titled, "Joe Biden:  The 46th President of the United States" and 1/23/21 titled,  "What Will The New Year Bring Politically:  The United States: Past, Present and Future.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

The United States Brings Another al Qaida Leader To Justice.

 President Joe Biden announced on Monday that al-Qaida leader Hyman al-Zawahri was killed in Kabul, Afghanistan by a missile strike from a CIA drone.  Hyman al-Zawahri succeeded Bin Laden when he was killed in Pakistan by a team of Navy Seals.  He and Bin Laden were the masterminds of the September 11,2001 terror attack on the U.S. that killed over 2000 Americans.  Both were brought to justice by a democratic administration that made the effort to do so a priority.  

And once again the capability of American intelligence made a difficult job possible to bring those to justice who take it upon themselves to harm America with the use of terror tactics.  President Biden displayed his wisdom in having the U.S. keep its focus on terror activity in Afghanistan after withdrawing our troops and ending the United States longest war.  Most never gave al-Zawahri much thought since he was not the outspoken leader that Bin Laden was when he was in the media news almost every day when he was alive and leading al-Qaida.  But the threat was there and the intelligence community and the President were well aware of the threat.

The successful operation that brought al-Zawahri to justice should also be a reminder that the U.S. does not need to have troops stationed every where to protect our country and its people and find those that wish us harm.  Hopefully the President can see a way to end our troop presence in Iraq and bring them home and out of harm's way.  Nineteen years and four months is long enough to be sitting on a powder keg waiting to explode.

The President should now make the withdrawal from Iraq one of his next priorities.  Congratulations to the President and his team who closed out another chapter on another al-Qaida leader.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio