Saturday, August 13, 2022

President Joe Biden and Speaker of The U.S. House Nancy Pelosi Are The Sane and Steady Voices Among The Negative Noise Machine.

 President Joe Biden and Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi's steady hand have accomplished much in the 18 months of the Biden administration.  Despite the negative noise of the GOP and the conservative media, their wisdom of having "political understanding" resulted in the passage of five major legislative bills in those 18 short months.  (1) COVID relief, (2) infrastructure, (3) Veteran's burn bill, (4) Chips bill, and (5) health and climate bill.

And through all the misinformation, lies and the ability of two ego driven democratic senators who blocked the President's BBB legislation, the sane voices of the President and the Speaker prevailed and moved the country and its people forward with a liberal/progressive legislative agenda that has worked and the new legislation passed in the last two weeks will have a positive effect on the U.S. economy into the future.  Former President Truman said in one of his famous sayings, "A PRESIDENT NEEDS POLITICAL UNDERSTANDING TO RUN GOVERNMENT, BUT HE MAY BE ELECTED WITHOUT IT."  That saying also applies to congress in this writer's opinion.

President Truman also said this in another one of his famous sayings:  " AMERICA WAS NOT BUILT ON FEAR, AMERICA WAS BUILT ON COURAGE, ON IMAGNATION AND AN UNBEATABLE DETERMINATION TO DO THE JOB AT HAND."  As everyone knows, the negative noise machine uses "fear" as a tactic to obstruct and divide.  That is all they have left to offer.  Sane voices are the ones who do the job at hand regardless how loud the noise gets.

The President and Speaker Pelosi's focus are on moving the country and its people forward despite the negative noise machine and its misinformation.  Their leadership and "political understanding" of government and their sane and steady voices are needed at a time of great threat to democracy that comes from within.

This writer is confident that America has the right leadership to face the challenges of today and the future.  Great progress has been made since the recession that began in February 2020 and the resulting 20 plus million job losses.  The recently passed legislation mentioned above will work to continue to move the economy in the right direction for all America.

Former President Truman would be proud of President Biden and Nancy Pelosi's "political understanding" to run government.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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