Saturday, August 13, 2022

The U.S. House Passes President Joe Biden's Health and Climate Legislation.

 Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi and the democratic controlled House wasted no time in passing the President's legislation concerning health, climate change and taxes for those who do not pay their fair share.  The vote was 220-207 with all republicans voting against the bill.  The legislation was approved by the U.S. Senate last week.

Speaker Pelosi and her party could have caused trouble for the legislation in pay back to Manchin and Sinema's sabotage of the President's BBB legislation, but Pelosi and her members understood the legislation did contain portions of BBB and would be a positive for the country, the people and the economy.  So, they did what was best for America and not their own egos and voted yes.  They will have time now to come back later and take up other important parts of BBB that needs to become law.

The GOP in congress who opposed the legislation, both in the House and Senate gave the same old worn out excuses used since the Reagan era.  "The legislation is a job killer, too costly, taxes the middle class, will increase the deficit, will increase inflation and a litany of other excuses."  It reflects their opposition to the President's COVID relief legislation the democrats passed that worked so well putting America back to work.

Democrats in the U.S. Senate should learn a lot from Speaker Pelosi's leadership and the "political understanding" democrats in the House have to be better public servants.  It requires putting America's interest first and foremost and self egos and special interest groups aside.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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