Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Media Needs More Journalists Like E.J. Dionne, Jr., Froma Harrop and Dana Milbank.

 Opinion columnists are many but few are journalists.  The exception are E.J. Dionne, Jr. Froma Harrop and Dana Milbank who are true journalists in every sense of the word.  Journalists know and understand the subject of their writings and therefore speak to the real issues and how those issues affect the country, the people and the heart of the matter at hand.

Opinion columnists simply have an opinion based on their partisan view and are not up to date on the issues nor the facts concerning the issues or how it fits in the scheme of things.  They have a preconceived ideology/opinion that has to fit their partisan views.  Their real motive is misinformation and division.  It is all they have to offer.

Dionne, Harrop and Milbank speak to the issues facing the country and its people and have a grasp in what the issues are about and their affects.  Real journalists understand how to speak to their readers concerning both sides of an issue with facts to make a judgement and not to divide.  The partisan opinion columnists have nothing of value to offer the readers and therefore its readers lack information to make any fair judgement on the issues.

With so much negative noise out there in the media and the division it seeks, America and its people  are greatly in need of more true journalists like Dionne, Harrop and Milbank to tell the real story about the issues that affect the country and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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