Monday, March 2, 2015

Another Huge First For "PolitiDose."

Sean Illing, an Air Force veteran who teaches political science at LSU wrote a "Point of View" commentary in the Times Picayune of 3/1 titled, "Beware of Candidates Talking About Obama Instead Of Louisiana."  The gist of his commentary is that Louisiana elected officials who continue to attack the President and not tell the people what they stand for and what they would do to move Louisiana forward mislead the people at best and deliberately deceive at worst.

He also said (1)  the current administration in Baton Rouge has been utterly dishonest, lying and that budget gimmicks have run their course.  (2)  Louisiana is facing serious problems and serious leaders are lacking.  (3)  Louisiana's future is in serious jeopardy if the state legislators do not force Jindal's hands.  (4)  If you are a republican voter you should demand more from your candidates.  If you don't like Obama, fine.  But don't give a free pass to politicians.

And if all of that sounds familiar its because you read it all here first in "PolitiDose" many times over in the last several years in many commentaries.  The attacks on the President by republicans with out offering any policies to move Louisiana or the country forward, the lack of serious public officials, Jindal's budget gimmicks, voters being hoodwinked by the personal attacks on Obama, state legislators rubber stamping Jindal's policies and Louisiana's future being in serious jeopardy have all been subjects of commentary in "PolitiDose."

Mr. Illing's "Point of View" commentary is a little late but is a welcome change from a political science teacher who understands what has been taking place in our political system.  Too bad the editorial writers at the Times Picayune are so blind and so far removed from political truths.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio