Friday, March 9, 2018

The Sanctions Have Nothing To Do With It.

North Korea's President Kim Jong  better know as the "rocket man" to President Trump was able to gain the "trumpet man's" attention when he told the leaders of S. Korea he would be willing to meet with Trump and discuss North Korea's nuclear program.  President Trump accepted the offer we are told and possibly the meeting could take pace some time in May.  It was a turn around from Trump's so called tough talk who always said there had to be preconditions before any direct talks.

The Trump White House and some in the news media must have been delirious from a high fever and almost immediately proclaimed it was the sanctions that brought Kim Jong around.  But North Korea's leader is set to obtain what he has been looking for all along, respect and the desire to be treated like other nuclear countries.  Kim Jong has something to bargain and has leverage with and is using it.  If and when the two countries meet, talk and negotiate, no matter the outcome, N. Korea will be the winner.

N. Korea may have a limited nuclear capacity but they are a small country that occupy half a peninsula.  They are not going to attack anyone with nuclear weapons because they would be just a sitting duck for retaliation as they have no place to go and no foreign military operations.  North Korea has abided by the Korean armistice since it was put in place 65 years ago which should be enough evidence that they will not attack any other country thousands of miles from their territory.

North Korea loses nothing if they give up their nuclear capacity and in exchange obtain economic and financial benefits from an agreement with the U.S.  because Kim Jong is not going to use his nuclear weapons anyway, except if some one strikes first and his country needs economic and financial aid.  Plus he will have used his leverage successfully and gained respect for negotiating with The U.S., the most powerful military nation on earth.

If there are talks and they produce nothing and the U.S. attacks North Korea, it will be shades of Iraq again,  big, bad, powerful United States attacking a flea and then trillions of dollars in aid to rebuild the country.  No, sanctions is not in play here and Reagan did not end the cold war with Russia.  In the mean time this writer still believes the best out come would be a unified one Korea with one leader and one voice void of nuclear weapons and that the leaders of Korea accomplish that themselves.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio