Friday, October 19, 2007

Why Not McCain?

Throughout this campaign season, we are hearing more and more about how GOP voters want a social-conservative who, at the same time, can be super-hawkish when it comes to Iraq and the Middle East. Many social conservatives say they wouldn't normally vote for a man with Giuliani's past(pro-abortion, pro-gay rights, pro- gun control, pro-illegal immigration, etc.), but they feel he is the only man with "enough experience" to protect the country. Well, I wish these conservatives would wake up. There is already a frontrunner who is a social conservative and who does have experience on foreign issues. So I ask them----why Giuliani, why not McCain?

John McCain, regardless of how much I might disagree with him, fits the description of what I hear every "value voter" wanting---someone who has a clear record of being pro-life, socially conservative, fiscally conservative, AND he, by far, has the most foreign policy experience and knowledge out of any GOP candidate. I'd like to know how exactly some people think Giuliani has "foreign policy experience". How do you get foreign policy experience from just being a mayor? You don't, and people should realize that. The only past discrepancy that I see affecting McCain is his stance on immigration reform. But that still doesn't explain why they would so quickly turn from McCain, who was the early front-runner, to Giuliani who is even more pro-illegal immigration that McCain.

I suppose it just angers me to continue to see Giuliani rise in the polls for reasons that simply aren't true. I might not vote Republican or even share their "values", but I must admit there are better people out there to be president than Giuliani. Someone who exploits the lives of those lost on 9/11 does not deserve to be president. Someone who is so willing to commit troops to another war with Iran does not deserve to be president. Someone who will forget his past positions and adopt new ones, just to win an election, doesn't deserve to be president. Someone who speaks out against children getting healthcare does not deserve to be president. In case you haven't caught on, that "someone" is Giuliani. This man is a disgrace to America. I ask all you conservatives, if you are truly concerned with social issues and national security, do not look to Rudy. Look to McCain, he has stood for your principles for as long as he has been in politics, and you conservatives have literally paid him nothing but hatred in return. So don't go on the news and complain you don't have a candidate, you do, and his name is John McCain. Conservatives do have a choice; it's not like Rudy is being pushed down their throats. I just hope they realize their choices before its too late.

Is Giuliani Becoming Too Conservative?

The answer is yes, he is. Now most analysts would say that Giuliani becoming more and more conservative is a good thing. The truth is they are right, but only partially. In his attempt to get the Republican nomination, Giuliani has "modified" several of his positions to appear more in line with the GOP base. He has become, by far, the most hawkish candidate, drawing the nickname of "Bush on steroids". He has refined his pro-choice by stating that he would appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. Instead of being very pro-gun control, Rudy now says that he respects the 2nd Amendment. All of these policy shifts have put Giuliani more in line with the Republican base, but it could hinder one of his very important arguments for being the nominee------that he could put some traditionally "blue states" into play.

By becoming more conservative, Giuliani is clearly hurting his chances among moderate voters in states such as New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Florida, and even California. The "old Giuliani" had a better chance to win these states than the "new, conservatively improved Giuliani". Its highly unlikely that he will draw support from Independents who are overwhelmingly against this war and for withdrawal. Pro-choice, pro-gun control urbanites are already showing dissatisfaction at Giuliani's new stances. Polls show many feel Giuliani is selling his soul, so to speak, to conservatives just to get the nomination.

Polls reflect this showing as well. While 6 months ago, Florida and Pennsylvania Independents were leaning towards Giuliani; now they lean significantly towards Clinton. Giuliani's new found conservative nature might get him the support of the Republican base, but it is already losing him the support of many moderates. By the time the 2008 election rolls around, Giuliani may be getting the onslaught from two key voting blocks-----strict social conservatives who say they would never trust Giuliani and moderate Independent voters. Take those two voting blocks away from Giuliani and you make it impossible for him to win the White House.

Failure At the Top

President Bush's job approval rating, according to a poll released October 17, stands at 24%.  Last month it was at 29%.  Those who watched Mr. Bush's performance at his news conference that same day can easily understand why.
The President was childish at times, then reverted to his scare tactic of fear and spoke about "WWIII" as if we are headed directly for it.  No Commander in Chief should speak of war so casually.  Our past Presidents have a record of doing what is necessary to avoid war if at all possible.  When one thinks about the troubles this President has brought upon our country and our men and women in uniform the only conclusion is that he is unfit for the office. 
When he can't or doesn't want to deal with reporters' questions, he tries to be funny.  His answers are scripted and gets off the subject matter with long drawn out answers unrelated to the questions.  Deep into the fifth year of war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist, he still can not tell the people how this war will end, when it will end, nor what will Iraq look like if it ever ends.  Even though it is the United States who is training the Iraqi's, he still can not tell the nation when the Iraqi's will be ready to take over the security of their own country.
Our nation is without a true leader at a time when our country needs leadership to face the challenges that the free world is exposed to.  Reckless and incompetent decisions have put America and our Armed Forces in harms way and now Mr. Bush is talking about WWIII.  History will not wait 15 to 20 years to judge Mr. Bush's presidency as he has said so often.  The facts have been revealed and the people have already spoken.  The Worst President and Commander in Chief in History, and sadly, the most childish is George W. Bush. 

Israel: Just Another Middle East Menace?

The major obstacle to peace between Israel and  Palestine are the leaders of Israel and those who support their loose cannon strategy.  The leaders of Israel order so called preemptive strikes against the Palestinian people and kill innocent men, women and children in their attacks and then just shrug it off and say those things just happen in war. 
If one listens closely to their talk you would think Syria, Iran, Iraq, and the Palestinian people are responsible for the holocaust.  Israel is a nuclear power with stock piles of WMD.  They won't admit it and America and other world leaders don't talk about it, but it is a fact.  They refused to join the Non Proliferation Treaty that requires open inspections of Nuclear facilities but they want other nations to comply.  It is time for world leaders to demand that Israel join the N.P.T. ditto India and Pakistan.
The leaders of Israel are not friends of America.  They would love to see the U.S. go to war with Iran, just like the U.S. did in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  They love when we adopt their preemptive policy regardless of the loss of innocent life.  They would like nothing more than for America to stoop to their level in order to justify their own actions.
The leaders of Israel like to use their military power with impunity.  That is an indication of unstable leadership, lack of moral values, and a disregard for human life.  They have created more terrorists with their actions much like our invasion of Iraq did.  If anyone has any doubts about the leaders of Israel I suggest reading the book "Body of Secrets".  It tells the story about Israel's attack on the United States' ship Liberty and acts of Israel against Egypt.
America needs a President who will reassess our relationship with the leaders of Israel.  And America needs a congress that will reassess what military equipment and supplies we sell to Israel.