Saturday, June 1, 2024

Criminal Donald Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts.

 The scales of American justice caught up with former President Donald Trump on May 30 in New York when a jury of Trump's peers found him guilty on all 34 felony counts related to the Stormy Daniel's hush money case.  It was the very first time a former President and Presidential nominee has ever been convicted of a criminal charge.  It was the fourth time in the last year Trump was found in violation of the law.  Fraud, sexual abuse, defamation and now 34 counts of felony charges.  And on the horizon, multiple indictments on the federal level and a state trial in Georgia yet to be set.  Not a very attractive rap sheet.

The conservative media, Trump himself and the GOP in congress did their best to try and influence the outcome of the trial in Trump's favor but fell flat.  They attacked everyone and the judicial system, even the judge and his family but it was Trump's peers, the 12 jury members who sat in silence in the court room, heard the real evidence in testimony and voted to convict on all counts.  And all of a sudden, the rule of law told the story that no one, not even a former President is above the law.

The state of New York's judicial system worked and their men in blue handled the situation like the professionals they are.  Such a contrast to the loud mouth liars and their disrespect for the democratic system of justice.  Trump and his party will continue to play the blame game but it will soon dry up.  The bottom line is Trump is the most unqualified Presidential candidate the country has ever had and a serial liar.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

The CNN and ABC Networks Should Now Cancel The June Presidential Debate.

 Does CNN and ABC really believe Donald Trump with his criminal record should be invited to take part in a Presidential debate?  In the past some members of congress have been forced to resign because of alleged behavior (some sexual) but none that arose to the level of Trump's rap sheet of convictions and large monetary fines for Fraud, sexual abuse, defamation and now 34 counts of criminal felony charges.  Former Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned his office because of a bribery indictment.

But now we have a Donald Trump, a republican party, a conservative media and some in the general media trying to convince the American people to accept the unacceptable, a corrupted convicted Presidential candidate.  Make no mistake, those who support or would vote for a convicted Trump supports corrupted politicians and therefore supports corrupted government.

Presidential debates and the Presidency itself should be held to higher standards. And when you add the fact that a sitting President, Donald Trump attempted to overturn a legitimate Presidential election and deny the lawful peaceful transfer of power to  the newly elected President Joe Biden, which was a traitorous act by Trump, it is unthinkable to allow a Donald Trump to appear in any debate or hold any public office.

CNN and ABC should  call off the debate and stand up to its responsibility of defending America's moral values as a nation and the historical norms of what the Presidency stands for.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio