Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The News Media's Ritual Is In Full Swing

Last week the news media, notably TV, started their usual ritual which starts some time in a President's second term.  The ritual of asking congressmen in the opposite party of President Obama is he a "lame duck President" from now to his term is completed.  And of course their republican guest say yes, nothing will get accomplished.  Not immigration, not the minimum wage increase, nada.

It is part of what has been taking place in our political system and the news media even though it is very cynical.  Negativity is the norm now and a way of political life with the news media, that bastion who claim to represent the people's business and interest.  The respect that both institutions once enjoyed has disappeard in their own folly.

A "lame duck President" should never be tolerated by the news media or the people.  Our elected officials, our political system and the news media should be held accountable.  There is too much at stake for our country and its people for our government not to function, especially when we are still recoverning from the second great economic depression of 2008. 

People in the news media should stop asking the negative question to our elected officals like, "do you think President Obama will be a lame duck President?"  Instead, if they want to raise the issue they should ask the following question.  Sir what specifically are you and your party going to do to make sure President Obama will not be a "lame duck President" so the country and its people can move forward addressing the problems that we have.  And keep asking the question until they give a positive answer.  A host can be polite in asking this kind of question if he is sincere and articulate why the people have a right to know the answer.  When a hosts starts out with a negative question he will receive a negative response. 

It is past time for the news media to stand up and be counted and bring positive questions to elected officials.  It is also time for the news media to tell elected officials it is wrong to damage the country and its people over ideology and that compromise is an established way to keep the government functioning.  The approval rating of congress is so low only a positive breakthrough can turn it around.   They will not turn it around themselves, they have already proved that with what is going on in congress now. If the news media can see fit to stop the sound bites in favor of a constructive dialog that refuses to accept the "lame duck status" elected officials would have no more excuses to push the status quo.

This commentary written by John Lucia.