Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Common Core And Common Sense

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu in a Times Picayune editorial of 7/16/14 concerning "Common Core" illustrated his knowledge of the subject matter and projected how a "serious public servant" could deal with a serious issue without personal attacks or placing blame.

The Mayor articulated how "Common Core" was not a government take over and in fact pointed out that it was developed and independently adopted by the states and not from President Obama.  The Mayor also pointed out the development of "Common Core" was started in 2007 through a state led initiative from the National Governors Association.  Over several years, the governors, education experts , teachers and administrators built consensus and created these standards.  In fact the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association not only support "Common Core" standards, they helped write them with the governors.

In one brief editorial Mitch Landrieu debunked all the misinformation out there by many of Louisiana's so called leaders and he did so in a civil tone, the true mark of a leader.  A "serious public servant" is like a breath of fresh air with all the noise going on and the placing of blame by some.  Mayor Landrieu let it be known he supports adopting "Common Core" and thinks it is vital to continue the improvements and success that is taking place in New Orleans public schools today.

Louisiana and the nation needs more "serious public servants" like Mitch Landrieu.

This commentary written by John Lucia