Thursday, August 4, 2016

President Obama Has Some Timely Words For The GOP

This week the President said that Donald Trump is unfit to serve as President and that he was woefully unprepared to do this job.  The President also asked the GOP, "why are you still endorsing him if you are repeatedly having to say, in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable?"  He also told the GOP, because of that their criticisms of Trump "rings hollow."

During the week there were two republicans that did say they could not support Trump and would vote for Hillary Clinton.  The leaders of the republican party in congress and the majority of the republicans in congress still say they will support their nominee.  Nothing has really changed concerning the republican party in general, their leaders and most conservative journalists.  They are trying to play both ends but the truth is the republican party and Trump are one and the same.  That has been the conclusion of this writer from the very beginning.  New York Times journalist Paul Krugman reported the same conclusion in a Times Picayune editorial of 7/31/16.  He pointed out that the only difference is that the substance is less disguised than usual under Trump.

Also, this week the latest poll showed President Obama's job approval rating is at 54%.  That is much higher than the 20-30% range of President George W. Bush during the same time period of his administration.  And when President Obama leaves office in January his administration will have out performed the Bush administration in every positive category.

So why is Trump pushing the same failed policies of the Bush administration?  Lower tax rates for Corporate America and the wealthy and a go it alone policy in world affairs.  Ideology is still not a plan even if the republican leaders name is Donald Trump.  Our country has been there and done that and we dare not go there again.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio