Monday, August 10, 2020

No Steven Roberts, Both Parties Did Not "Stand in Way of Help."

Steve Roberts, in an opinion column in the New Orleans Advocate dated 8/8/20 titled, "Both parties stood in way of help" in reference to the lack of progress on a stimulus for the pandemic made that statement.  This writer takes issue with that statement and in this case thinks Mr. Roberts is wrong.  Neither Trump or his republican controlled U.S. Senate could come up with a stimulus relief package they themselves could support.  So there was never a stimulus bill for the Senate to vote on.  That gave Trump the opening he wanted to have his ditto head treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin lead the charge to negotiate directly with the democratic controlled U.S. House and by pass his own Senate and the normal legislation process.    But Roberts was silent on the matter.

Trump and his party's control of the Senate could not pass a stimulus package through the legislative process because they could not agree among themselves what should be in the stimulus.  They did not even bother to put it to a vote.  The fact that Trump and the republicans control two-thirds of the government, they failed the governing process twice.  First, they failed to legislate and second Trump failed with his executive orders to cover up the failure of he and his party's failure to govern.

The democratic controlled U.S. House passed their $3 trillion stimulus package timely over two months ago through the legislation process and vote on the issue.  The House carried out its responsibility to the country and its people to address the problem that would be expiring July 31.  But Trump and his party could not get their act together and lead.  So no Mr. Roberts, both parties did not stand in the way of help.   It was only the Republican party and its leader Donald Trump that did.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio