Saturday, January 22, 2022

More Good Economic News For The Economy, The People and The Country.

 And it is taking place on President Biden's watch.  Intel announced it will build a $20 billion chip factory in Ohio to address the shortage that exist today for technology chips that run almost everything.  The new facility is expected to employ 3000 workers and 7000 construction jobs.  The new facility will also support tens of thousand workers for suppliers and partners the reported stated.

In another report expected to be announced soon, General Motors will invest $6.5 billion in Michigan to build a new electric vehicle battery facility and a third electric vehicle factory that would create a total of 4000 new jobs.  both announcements, when they actually take place will return manufacturing to the so called "rust belt" and lessen the need of overseas jobs.  

The commitments are good news for the country, its people and the economy and is in line with President Biden's plans to grow the electric vehicle market and relieve the shortage industries face on tech chips caused by major shut downs due to COVID.  It is also an endorsement of the President's long term plans for the U.S. economy and America's ability to compete world wide.

So, despite the noise machine and the GOP's do nothing attitude and obstruction, the President's policies are providing the thrust to move the country forward.  The GOP will continue their disinformation campaign to divide the country before the November congressional elections in an attempt to take control of congress, so the voters will have to stay vigilant.  And as Politidose predicted in commentary before Biden took office, the country and its people are seeing better times with a democrat in the White House and the reasons why. 

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Ron Faucheux, A So Called Nonpartisan Political Analyst Fails The Test.

 Most people in New Orleans probably know Ron Faucheux as a pollster who appears on TV during state and local elections.  Sometimes he writes opinion published in the New Orleans Advocate as he did 1/17/22 with a column titled, "What a difference a year makes."  According to his article Biden's first year in office was a failure.  He cites several reasons which mimic the talking points of the GOP, Fox News and the noise machine out there who want to see the President fail.

And like the media in general, thought it would be better to go negative in his own opinion instead of writing about the positive accomplishments that took place for the country and its people, which were many. (and will be spelled out in a soon to be commentary in Politidose)  Of course, those who follow the political facts and are really nonpartisan understand democrats are much better at governing and have the facts to back it up.

Faucheux statement that democrats in congress botched just about everything they touched comes straight out of the GOP's playbook and as such a partisan statement.  The democratic controlled congress passed two of Biden's major legislative priorities, COVID relief and Infrastructure.  Biden's Build Back Better legislation lingers but will be passed this year and as Faucheux well knows the democratic controlled U.S. House passed all of Biden's legislation, COVID, Infrastructure, Build Back Better and ever Election Reform legislation.  

Faucheux's four stated reasons of his negative article are so aligned with the GOP and the noise machine of so called conservative thought, it leaves no room for the article to be nonpartisan in fact even though he quotes some polling data.  And for a Pollster himself, that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio