Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Another First For PolitiDose Commentary Concerning The Administration Of Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards.

Now comes a New Orleans Advocate commentary by Tyler Bridges dated 12/24 concerning the accomplishments of Governor JBE's administration as he prepares to leave office next month.  It is a well written article and a highly deserved one of the Governor's performance and especially the progress made on fiscal matters, health care, jobs and lower unemployment.  

PolitiDose commentary predicted the positive changes would take place even before JBE took office and several times early after he took office.  It could be predicted because democratic administrations govern with plans and policies to address the issues and problems while the GOP administrations govern with an extreme ideology and therefore never address the real issues or problems.  

PolitiDose commentary did the same thing on the national level how President's Obama and Biden would reverse the carnage left by the George W. Bush administration and the Donald Trump administration.  Those commentaries were also written before they took office and early after they took  office because of precedent.

The general media lacks the character and will to report on precedent during election campaigns to give the people insight to what might be.  They are more interested in the every day sound bites of the campaign that misinforms instead of informing.  It's a tit for tat of each candidate's rhetoric when there exist an actual record of what is likely to take place.

A good example can be found in the media's love for the negative voices who have been preaching doom and gloom for the economy with a recession since early last year.  That story is at the top of their agenda while the good economic news is seldom told.  PolitiDose commentary has told the true story according to facts, so tune out the misinformation media and stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio