Monday, August 6, 2018

As The Mueller Investigation Closes In, Trump Has To Admit His Lies In His Traitorous Dealings With Russia

Donald Trump, the President of the United States continues to wallow in his own lies.  This time concerning the traitorous meeting of his son Trump Jr., his son-in-law Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort with Russian officials in 2016 for the stated purpose to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russians at the meeting.

After the meeting leaked, Trump Jr. and the President both lied and said the meeting was about adoption.  The President now says the meeting was to receive dirt on Clinton.  Trump Jr. said he wrote a statement to his father about the meeting.  Later it leaked that President Trump himself wrote the statement which he denied.  Now Trump says he lied and indeed wrote the statement for his son.  All along Trump said there was no collusion and now says the meeting was legal and obtaining dirt on an opponent is normal.

Donald Trump lied and said he did not know about the meeting before it took place but a witness said he did.  The President's own back up lies also says he knew about the meeting before it took place.  Why all the lies if Trump really thinks the meeting was legal?  The fact of the matter it was collusion with a foreign government to help him win the Presidency.  No other Presidential candidate has ever thought of or colluded with a foreign government for political help to win an election.  The meeting was traitorous and even the President's good friend and adviser, Steve Bannon said so.

Eighteen months of lies from the President and the lying is more frequent as we learn more about Trump and his campaigns involvement with Russia and Trumps desire to work with them and discredit Mueller's investigation.  Crooked Trump thought the Russians had dirt on Hillary but they had none.  He even went so far during the campaign telling his supporters a few days before the Russian meeting that he would soon announce damaging information on Hillary.  But there was no damaging information for him to announce.

Donald Trump is a sick President who is mentally and morally incapable of leading America the Beautiful.  And make no mistake, it is of his own choosing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio