Monday, November 1, 2010

The Rosetta Stone To Bill O'Reilly Etal

Etal is used at the end of a name to indicate "and others." In this case I am referring to the likes of Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto and Rush Limbaugh who fit O'Reilly's right wing ideology. I was once encouraged to listen to those folks over a period of time to understand where they were coming from but a few minutes was enough for me.

When people in their profession devote their whole show to personal attacks and negativity it is easy to understand their lack of character and courage. One does not need to be educated to constantly be engaged in their kind of journalism. That speaks load and clear about their problem. They feel inadequate. Lets just look at one area where their expressions always show their feelings of being inadequate. Many democrats who have been their target of personal attacks and negative comments wore the uniform of their country during their generations war. O'Reilly etal cut and ran during their generations war and never wore the uniform of their country. Their motive is to try and destroy the character of those they attack because they feel so inadequate when they compare their personal lives to those liberals that did the patriotic thing and served their country.

Bill O'Reilly even said on his show a few years ago to Bill Maher. "The reason I did not join the military during the Viet Nam war was because I had a buddy who came back from Viet Nam and told me not to join. What a pitiful excuse to cut and run. It fits O'Reilly's character.

O'Reilly etal can not debate the issues. That is another reason for their personal attacks and negative reporting. They also mislead their viewing audience with inaccurate statements that have been pointed out on many occasions. Another indication of their inadequate feelings. That is also why the whole time ( 8 years) Bush ran the country they spent their time attacking democrats. They could not articulate what the Bush administration stood for or accomplished. They dare not touch upon the record deficit spending and debt Bush left the country to dangle in and the record recession and job losses Bush presided over.

It must be hell to feel so inadequate and hide behind a phony ideology of personal attacks and negative reporting. But the real telling story behind their feeling of being inadequate is they want badly to see the United States fail on the democratic watch. They care nothing about the country and its people. What a sad bunch they are. The economy and job creation is coming back on the democratic watch and they are scared to death because it will remind the people once again what party has a record of economic accomplishments.

O'Reilly etal news media ratings may be high but that only reflects the fact that most of their audience are followers and not leaders, in other words ditto heads who can not think for themselves. Its really hell when you have no self esteem.