Friday, June 22, 2018

The News Media and Comprehensive Immigration Reform: A Failure To Speak The Truth Of The Real Problem

There is a difference between blame, lies and facts.  And when it comes to Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) the news media has done a poor job.  President Trump uses the tactic of blame when it concerns the issue of CIR but unlike others, uses lies and untruths to support his position of blame.

On the other hand, facts and truths are non political and the case can be made that the republican party does not want CIR and that they have had more of an opportunity to do something about immigration than the democratic party.  The case can also be made that the news media has failed to keep the American people informed of the republican party's true obstruction and how they have never been engaged on the immigration issue.

The news media has failed to be consistent in reporting the following:  Former republican President George W. Bush wanted CIR but could not obtain his party's support in congress to move legislation.  President Obama wanted CIR but could never obtain republican support.  His administration did do several things on immigration including the democratic controlled senate that did pass CIR only to be rejected by the republican controlled U.S. House without even bringing the bill up for debate, they just let it die.  It should be noted that the republican party controlled the House six of the eight years that Obama was President and did not lift a finger on immigration.

The news media should also be reminding the people that the republican party has controlled both houses of congress for the past three and half years and have never introduced a CIR legislation for debate or a vote.  And for the past 17 months they also controlled the Presidency and still have no plans for CIR despite Trump's rhetoric.  All they have is Trump's present children separation order.  And of course Trump cancelled DACA without having a plan to replace it much like he and the republicans had no real plans to repeal and replace the ACA.

If the news media paid as much attention to those facts as they do to Trump and the republican lies and Trump's child separation policy, Trump  and the republican party would have to move on CIR.  The facts would put the blame where it belongs, squarely on Trump and his party.  The blame would be non-partisan, just facts.  Trump's rhetoric on the subject would die a natural death.

Peace meal legislation is not the answer, CIR is.  The news media has to report the facts for an informed public and needs to tell the immigration story and they need to keep asking the republican party why, after all their years of control, have they not introduced and debated CIR.  After all, when you are in control, its your party who sets the agenda.

Trumps latest action of separating children from parents at the border and then backtracking is one more example that the President really has no original thought on  immigration or a plan to address the total problem.  And his flip flops leave the country void of leadership on the issue.  If immigration is a security issue like Trump professes it to be, he is left only with his rhetoric which is no deterrent at all.  And with Trump in charge, the immigration problem is worse today than it was when he took office.  Tough talk?  But who is listening?

This commentary written by Joe Lorio