Monday, March 9, 2020

Byron York Tries His Best To Run With Trump's Fake News That The Democratic Party Is Divided.

Trump's so called conservative ditto head journalist in a New Orleans Advocate opinion column dated 3/9/20 titled, "The Democrat's Stalk Cultural Differences Inside The Party" apes Trump and his party's talking point of trying to continue to divide the country during this election year by saying the democratic party is divided.  York uses the Biden-Sanders race to try and prove his point and it is laughable.

York tries to use the difference between Biden and Sanders as seen in the eyes of their supporters as one of division.  York gets it wrong from the start because he is comparing apples to oranges.  He treats Sanders as a democrat but he is really an independent and does not have control over the democratic party.  That is why Joe Biden has jumped ahead of Sanders in the race to the nomination and has won the support of most every democratic public official and democratic groups.

The internet is full of republican stories of democratic division in their desire to float dis-information to the public.  York and the other republican Trump ditto heads are scared to death of the "blue wave" that has been so effective ousting republicans the past 3 years and they see they just might drown again in the November elections.  It is also worthy to note that just recently Twitter and Facebook took down some of Trump and his party's dis-information ads.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio