Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Supreme Court's Decision On Presidential Immunity Can Be Negated By An Informed Electorate.

 Monday's Supreme Court ruling giving never before authority for a President to be king fits in with Trump's previous actions and his continued lust for power.  It is a power no previous President has sought and if in fact was the law during the Nixon administration, Nixon would have never resigned as the court at that time ruled against Nixon.

The American people have an opportunity in November to negate the court's decision and keep America the Beautiful, Beautiful by voting against Trump, the criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and serial liar and end his lust for power and kingship.  That will keep the Presidency in the hands of the democratic party who would be in a position to appoint any new Supreme Court members and help balance the court.  And if the democrats end up controlling both houses of congress, could pass legislation that would return the limited immunity of the Presidency provided in the constitution and what our forefathers intended.

Voting against Trump is the best way to ensure he will never be a king, that American democracy will continue with the rule of law and our institutions will remain free from personal attacks.  Keeping Trump out of power will also assure the present indictments against him will go to trial and not allow him to use the Supreme Courts new immunity decision to become king and stop those indictments.  American democracy is on the ballot, make no mistake about it.

And so my fellow Americans, in November vote against Donald Trump and keep America the Beautiful, Beautiful.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio