Friday, November 27, 2020

Louisiana, The State We Are In: Once Again, A Gas Tax Is Being Floated.

As per a report in the New Orleans Advocate of 11/25 a new push is on to raise Louisiana's gas tax by 10 cents per gallon initially and 22 cents per gallon eventually that would raise between $300 - $600 million annually.  The report noted that the tax has not changed in the last 30 years, that Louisiana ranks 43 nationally in the gas tax and since 2013, 30 states raised its gas taxes.  Also noted was the effort in the pass to raise the tax has failed.

The reason behind the push to raise the gas tax is to finance needed repairs and rebuild the states highway and infrastructure that is in a deplorable condition.  Everyone agrees that the issue would help Louisiana's economy, the business community and commerce in general.  We know for a fact that the state has said it would take approximately $12 billion to address the highway and infrastructure problems.  But the real problem is the states do nothing republican controlled legislature, their radical ideology and tax give away to the business community.

The state's tax breaks for the business community is approximately $8 billion a year.  That is about 25% of the state budget and no state can afford to lose that much revenue nd take care of its needs.  But the states legislature says the tax breaks are needed for the economy, jobs and etc., etc. and etc.  But it is the big lie.  Louisiana is still last nationally in almost every category important to the state and its people despite the corporate welfare given away each year.

What the state needs is an economic plan based on the real needs of the state and its people.  The state also  needs a multi face economy that can withstand the hardships when a pandemic and other unforeseen events take place to ease the burden.  An increase in the gas tax is only one way to raise revenue to pay for highway and infrastructure repairs and giving away state revenue to business that just contribute to larger bonuses and salaries for their CEO's and executives is pure folly and wasteful.

The state will continue to stay at or near the bottom in national rankings until Louisiana's state government takes a stand in favor of the state and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio