Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year: Trump and the GOP Continue The Government Shutdown

"The People's House" received a sad New Years resolution from the President and the GOP, a partial shut down of the federal government that will furlough hundreds of thousands workers and with out a pay check.  The President said he looked forward to the shut down and displayed the lack of temperament and qualifications to be President that Hillary Clinton spoke about long ago.

And Trump's ditto head GOP controlled congress just went with the flow and continued to display their failure to lead and govern.  The U.S. House rolled over and passed a funding bill containing the $5 billion for Trump's wall on a partisan vote.  The U.S. senate passed its own funding bill that included $1.6 billion for border security but no wall funds and the bill passed on a non-partisan vote with democratic support.  Trump actually signaled his support for this bill and that is why republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell brought the bill up for a vote.  Trump reneged on his support after the vote.  Louisiana's little boy representative in the U.S. House Steve Scalise voted for the House bill even though he knew the bill would never be debated by his own party in the U.S. Senate.

So two years of full control by Trump and the GOP Congress ends a sad two year period in American history.  The "people's house" is held hostage to Trump's sorry behavior and no policy or plan has been introduced by Trump or the GOP concerning immigration reform.  All they have to show on immigration is their sad rhetoric on the subject and their usual blame game against the democratic party.

In order to realize just how bad this republican controlled congress has been think about this.  When President Obama was first elected President, the republican leaders in the House and Senate promised to oppose every thing Obama asked for because they vowed to make him a one term President.  Their opposition was solid until the very end even though Obama won reelection.  For the  last two years they had a republican President and all they have accomplished is a tax cut that adds $1.5 trillion to the national debt, increases deficit spending and a government shutdown.  They ended the year without completing the business of the people even though they had the power to do so.  Trump and his GOP simply refused to govern.

Democrats may have their faults but they have respect for the American people and our system of democratic governing.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio