Friday, June 1, 2018

The United States and North Korea Summit

If it happens on June 12 like it was originally planned then it was never cancelled like President Trump said it was.  So what else is new?  If it does take place and both sides say it was successful, then you will know North Korea will come out with the advantage.  Why?  Well, because North Korea like Iraq was never a threat to the national security of the United States or South Korea.

So the United States will give up something big while North Korea will reduce its nuclear capacity that it would never use any way against the U.S. and as a result will surrender very little.  North Korea sits on half a peninsula and would be a sitting duck if they launched a war against any one.  North Korea also has a kicker in South Korea whose leader would like to normalize relations with the North and both sides can do so without any outside interference.  They could also agree that the U.S. must remove its military forces from the Korean peninsula.

North Korea, a poor country unlike the South developed a nuclear capacity to have a bargaining chip in dealing with the U.S. and the west and to obtain respect and a opportunity to sit at the same table.  George W. Bush was the last President who sold the U.S. on a war with Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  Fifteen years later we are still in Iraq after losing over 4000 troops killed and over 30,000 wounded.  Now we have another President by the name of Trump who threatened a war with N. Korea with fire and fury while he kisses up to Russia who is the real enemy of the U.S. with a developed nuclear capacity.

When it comes to nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula it is necessary to remember it was the U.S. who first introduced nuclear weapons in South Korea early on and then withdrew them in 1991.  Also, it was the trumpet man himself who said during the 2016 campaign South Korea should build its own nuclear weapons.  There is one thing you can take to the bank.  That is as long as the U.S. and other nuclear powers have the attitude that they can keep their nuclear weapons but no one else can develop their own, as sure as the night follows the day, there will be some country and its leader who takes that as blackmail and will develop a nuclear capacity of their own.

The spread of nuclear weapons is a never ending story with the conditions the world lives under today.  We just do not know what nation will be the next to seek those WMD.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio