Tuesday, March 13, 2018

President Donald Trump: The Betrayal ofAmerica and Its People Continue To Worsen, Especially For Our Young Children

Donald Trump, the President of the United States was comfortable once again to descend into the gutter when he called NBC's Chuck Todd a "SOB" at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.  Trump, the traitor, excels at lacking respect for any one and his corrupting attitude is a threat to our young people who are being exposed to his immoral  rhetoric and anti-American agenda.

Those ball players who refused Trump's invitation to the White House for a photo op with the trumpet man said it best.  They declined the invitation and said the White House was once a place of Honor.  That was so true in the past before Trump came upon the scene.  Honor has no place in President Trump's life.  He is a sick man who deserves to be impeached.  The Presidency, America and its people should not be exposed one more day to the darkness and corruption this man lives in.

Fifty four percent of the people who voted against Trump in the November 2016 Presidential election could see what Trump was all about.  They voted the way they did because they did not want to see a future that would turn out to be like the failed republican past.  Trump has not only failed, he is a President incapable of offering any hope.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Another Failure By The Louisiana State Legislature

Louisiana's governor John Bel Edwards call for a special session of the state's legislature to face the problem of a severe short fall for fiscal year beginning July 1 ended in failure.  The republican controlled House could not agree on what measures to take to deal with the short fall and so another special session will have to be called at a later date to deal with the same problem.

The republican controlled legislature has been broken since Bobby Jindal took office in 2008.  Their lack of a plan or policy lies in the conservative ideology of extremism which prevents them from dealing in facts with facts.  And the present situation of do nothing is being influenced by the republicans desire to defeat Edwards in the next election.  U.S. Senator John Kennedy who is said to be thinking about opposing Edwards has stuck his nose in the states business.  Too bad as he has been a failure at representing Louisiana in the U.S. Congress.

Governor Edwards has laid out a plan to bring Louisiana's fiscal house in balance and to seek a long term solution where future budget dealings would become more productive, reliable and lack the emergency of the last nine years that resulted in budget cuts that did nothing to correct the states real fiscal problems.

The people of Louisiana need to elect more democrats to the state legislature as a way to bring balance that is badly needed to that body.  That is one answer that would help in the future.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio