Monday, August 1, 2016

An Independent Voice At The Democratic National Convention

A very important endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President and a strong rebuke of Donald Trump's candidacy took place at the Democratic convention by speaker Michael Bloomberg.  The former Mayor of New York City, an independent for some time and one time republican and democrat laid out his reasons why .  He urged independents and others to support Clinton in the genera election and noted the importance of doing so.

The reasons for Bloomberg's position are powerful:  He is a business man and a very wealthy one and is out of politics; He knows Trump and his nasty business dealings well: He is an independent and owes allegiance to no political party; He believes business and political leaders need to work together to solve problems and promote economic well being; His speech and thoughts were from his own free independent mind;  He is well aware how Clinton worked with New York officials after the tragic results of 9/11 when she was a U.S. Senator and help from the federal government was greatly needed.

As a former elected official and active business man Bloomberg is well qualified for his strong support for Clinton as the next President and his rebuke of Donald Trump.  It could turn out to be one of the most important endorsements of the 2016 Presidential campaign.

The people who know Donald Trump the best continue to reject him.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio