Thursday, January 28, 2016

Donald Trump and The Fox News Network

The higher ups at the Fox news had Bill O'Reilly pleading with Donald Trump to reconsider his decision not to appear in Thursday nights republican debate.  The little 0 even brought up Trump attending church in Iowa.  It was a sad sight seeing 0 plead with Trump because the network is more concerned with losing viewers and not the debate itself.

None of the Fox moderators are qualified for the position because they are highly partisan, conservative and are not issues orientated.  And of course, being a network that hates the President and his successful policies lack credibility.  Trump knew they and his opponents would be in an ambush mode and the problem Trump has is he can dish it out but can not take it.

If Trumps decision to skip the debate breaks the strangle hold Fox has over the republican party that would be good news for America.  Trump has already participated in some good news.  He has been able to convince the republican base that his republican opponents who represent the republican establishment have no record of accomplishments.  The readers of "PolitiDose" found that out long ago.

Donald Trumps republican opponents are spending a lot of money on the campaign trail while the Donald receives all kinds of free publicity from the major networks, including Fox news.  The republican party is the circus and the news media is their advertising vehicle.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Wants More Democratic Debates

Maddow on her Tuesday night show thinks the DNC should have scheduled more democratic debates than planned and offered that the republicans have more debates.  (As if that matters)  This writer thinks the number of democratic debates that are scheduled are sufficient because moderators ask the same questions over and over again and nothing new is offered.  Its bad enough that the republican debates are a circus and sham led by Fox news.

The reason Maddow and MSNBC want more debates is their inability to fill up air time that offer a quality product.  With debates they can all sit around after the debates and report what the candidates said during the debates and then put in their own silly take with silly statements.

MSNBC has become another Fox news with most of their prime time shows catering to Trump and republican guests.  They do not like that the democrats had their last debate on a weekend where their crews were off and could not offer comment on the debate.  And now with Trump out of the republican debate Thursday night they are devoting more time to Trump.

Trump would not make a good President but he is smarter than MSNBC, Fox and his republican opponents.  By not appearing in the debates his opponents and the moderators can not dump on him successfully and the news media will give extra coverage to Trumps decision to not debate.  A win-win situation for the Donald.

In the mean time Clinton and Sanders are campaigning before the people telling their story and seeking votes.  That is a better deal for the voters and the political system.  Fox news has made a mockery of the republican debates they moderated and the RNC is right there with them.  The democrats should stick to their debate schedule as planned and pay no attention to Maddow and MSNBC.

Both NBC and MSNBC have taken a turn for the worse with Chuck Todd taking over Meet The Press and his comments on the Presidential race.  Meet The Press was more informative 40 years ago and Chuck's comments at the last democratic debate was void of substance.  This writer can not remember when the news media in general was as bad as it is now.  What a waste in the advancements made in broadcast technology.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio