Friday, March 17, 2017

The Congressional Budget Office Confirms What PolitiDose Has Been Saying From The Very Beginning

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) an independent arm of congress that estimates the projected cost and impact of legislation proposed and or passed by congress released its findings this week concerning the republicans American Health Care Act (AHCA) and that has been introduced by speaker of the House Paul Ryan.  And the CBO's report was devastating to the proposed ACT.

Contrary to the republican rhetoric their AHCA would not replace the ACA like they have proclaimed for the past seven years.  The CBO found that 14 million more people would be uninsured in 2018 and would rise as high as 24 million in 2026.  And that in 2026 52 million would be uninsured compared to only 28 million under the ACA.

The CBO found that the federal deficit would be reduced by $337 billion over a decade due to reductions in medicaid.  However, projections were made that under the ACA the federal deficit would be reduced between $157 to $370 Billion with out reductions to medicaid.  (reported when the ACA was being debated)

In this writers judgement the total CBO report reflects a hastily drawn up health care plan ( if you can call it that) because the republican party does not believe in health care but was forced to act because of their out right lies of having a plan to replace the ACA.  Seven years and the republicans have little to show for it.  How much time did they really spend on the subject matter?  The results tells this writer not much time at all.

The only question that remains now is can Trump and Ryan sell it to their own party with out compromise and make the AHCA even worse.  What ever form it passes in if it passes at all will result in a regressive move for health care for those who need it the most and for the over all health care of the country.  For a party who control the Presidency and both houses of congress the AHCA is a prime example of a do nothing party.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio