Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Democratic Controlled U.S. House Continues To Lead and Govern The Nations Business

The democratic party in the U.S. House has passed nine of the 12 annual appropriations bills and will address the remaining three some time in July.  On the other side of the isle, the republican controlled U.S. Senate has failed to address even a single spending bill.  In other words the work of the U.S.House is just sitting in the Senate's chamber gathering dust.

The Senate's lack of actions mirror their first two years under Trump where very little legislation was taken up, debated and or passed.  And just this week the House passed a $4.6 billion unrelated funding bill to address the problem at the southern border concerning the safety and health of the migrant children being held in unsanitary conditions.  The House bill contained checks and balances to make sure the funding to handle the children's plight and not go to non needed services.

The Senate then followed the lead of the House and passed their $4.6 billion funding bill but without the checks and balances.  The U.S. House then adopted the Senate bill and the usual political double talk started about how the House gave in to the Senate.  It was politics as usual for the republican cowards and some in the news media.  The issue was the children who are being exposed to Trump and the republican failure to have an immigration reform policy and a horrible situation of their own making.

The U.S. House did its part first with the necessary funding without hesitation and stood tall.  And once again it is the democratic party who is leading on the issues while the republicans have only their rhetoric.  And as of this writing President Trump, the trumpet man who likes to toot his own horn still has no immigration plan of his own to send to congress, is still under court order to unite the families and their children he ordered separated and the immigration albatross is still around his neck.  Trump's number one priority of promised immigration reform has been a disaster.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio