Monday, May 23, 2016

Food For Thought: The Story Continues

The latest Gallop poll shows President Obama's approval rating at 51%.  It has been at or over 50% since January and the President's approval rating has gone up dramatically among independent voters.  The President is finally receiving his just due after guiding the country out of the great republican recession of 2008.  Maybe the people are becoming numb from the constantly negative talk about the President from the Fox News Network, the republican party and conservative journalists.

President Obama has been a steady voice among the people he serves and even in foreign affairs.  His record on job creation will be second to only Bill Clinton's record.  He has reduced deficit spending his last 4 straight fiscal years and is only the second President ever to do that besides Bill Clinton in the last 50 years.  And his administration accomplished that after President Bush's record single year budget deficit of $1.4 trillion.  History will judge the President's administration well and will rank his accomplishments high.  The sad part is that there are so many people who lived through his administration and have refused to acknowledge the President's accomplishments.

On another Note:  The news media is constantly reminding the public that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's negative ratings are the highest ever for a Presidential candidate.  Yet both received more votes in the Presidential primaries than any other candidate.  What does that tell you about their opponents and the voters?   Because of the way polls are conducted and the way questions are asked, reality is lacking and the so called negative numbers do not show up at the voting booth.  Plus, how do you define a negative?  Is it the person themselves, their performance, their knowledge, their record and etc.  So what is left for a voter to vote on if he or she thinks in negative terms about the person they will vote for.

The news media's willingness to ignore the good things that happen in America and the good things that government does well in favor of non stop negative reporting on all levels has a negative impact on society and the voting public.  Republicans believe if negative comments are made about some one or an issue and repeated over and over enough times people will believe even if its a lie.  A good example would be the lies concerning the ACA and death panels, Iraq having WMD and the birther issue concerning President Obama.

This writer believes that an open mind is the best way to judge a political candidate and not by negative views obtained from news sources, individuals or candidates themselves.  And when the general election begins and and it is one on one a decision on who to vote for in November will come into focus more clearly.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio