Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Daily Dose---2/23

Nader '08?
Tomorrow morning on Meet the Press, Ralph Nader, who ran for President in 2000 and 2004, is expected to announce a bid for the Presidency this year as well.  Quite frankly, this man sickens me.  He runs year after year for nothing more than an ego trip.  When will he realize that all he does is take votes away from the Democrats, whom he is much more in line with than the Republicans?  Seriously, who would have done more to advance the causes that Nader supposedly cares about----Al Gore or George W. Bush.  We know that answer.  That brings me to the conclusion that if Nader really cared about the issues that he says he does, he would not only support the Democratic nominee, but campaign for him/her. All he does by running, is make it easier for a Republican, in this case, John McCain, to win the White House.  

Here's a great video that an "anonymous" person posted on the internet concerning a possible 2008 Nader candidacy:

Democratic Veeps

There has been a lot of buzz on the net concerning who Barack Obama might choose as his Vice-President.  Frankly, I don't want to rule out Sen. Clinton, but it does appear that Obama will be the nominee.  So, who will he choose?  Many are suggesting Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas.  I like Gov. Sebelius, but she's not right to balance out the ticket. Obama needs someone with foreign policy experience first and foremost, and Sebelius does not have that right now. Many though, are adamant that Obama should choose a female running mate, to pacify the women who would be disgruntled if Sen. Clinton does not win.  I'm not saying she's the right person, but Sen. Barbara Boxer is probably the only female, besides Sen. Clinton of course, who is young enough, yet has enough foreign policy credentials to be on the Presidential ticket (Sen. Feinstein would be other, but she is too old).  The problem with Boxer is that California is going to go for Obama regardless of whether or not she is on the ticket.  My suggestion for Obama would be someone like Bill Richardson. Richardson has executive experience, unparalleled foreign policy experience, and would do a great deal to bring Latinos on to the Obama campaign.  And although I don't think Richardson is that exciting or was that great of a candidate in his own right, he might be the best choice out there for Obama.  Any other thoughts? 

The Wheels Just Keep Coming Off

John McCain, the Republican nominee vying for the Presidency, just lost another wheel on his "Straight Talk Express".  In other words another one of his many flip flops.
Last September, McCain refused to sign a no new tax pledge offered by the Conservative Americans for Tax Reform.  Now, McCain is saying that there would be "no new taxes" under any circumstances if he is elected President.  McCain also told ABC that he could see an argument if our economy continues to deteriorate, for lower interest rates, lower tax rates, and certainly decreasing corporate tax rates, as well as giving people the ability to write off depreciation and eliminating the alternative minimum tax.
McCain and his party have presided over the largest deficit spending administration in our history, one recession, another recession possible, tax reductions that favored the most wealthy, and an economy that is losing jobs and yet McCain is ready to do the same again if the economy continues to deteriorate.  It is the same dose of medicine that Bush has pushed through Congress and has failed to produce a sustained economy.
Republicans lack a true economic policy to deal with our fiscal and economic well being.  They are still in a state of denial called "trickle down economics" and are locked in a time warp by the name of Reaganomics.  McCain's latest comments show how little he is informed on economic and fiscal issues.  This is the same McCain who said it would be okay for our troops to be in Iraq for another 100 years.  McCain used to be a maverick, in opposition to the Bush tax cuts and the failed economic policy, but now he is losing another wheel and falling in line with the failed conservative  ideology that has been proven to fail America and its people.