Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Times Picayune Editorial: Six Years Late and A Lack Of Credibility

The Times Picayune editorial titled, "Will Louisiana's Leaders Please Stand UP" dated 4/26/15 has finally seen the light of Louisiana's fiscal problems even though they have been ongoing since Bobby Jindal became governor.  In fact the editorial board has praised Jindal in the past for cutting the budget with out giving any thought to the consequence of those cuts.

The editorial pointed out that Jindal and the legislature's  leaders are letting the conservative Americans For Tax Reform decide how Louisiana is allowed to raise revenues.  REALLY !!!!!.  Did the Times Picayune just find that out?  I wonder if they know David Vitter, who is running for governor signed that same pledge as did many other republicans in Louisiana.

The Times Picayune now realize Louisiana has a revenue problem caused by the massive tax give away to business as "PolitiDose" has been reporting for years.  And guess what?  The editorial says business should be paying its fair share of taxes.  And if that sounds familiar its because you read it here first in PolitiDose.  The editorial is looking for leaders in the legislature to stand up and do the right thing but don't hold your breath.  The republican controlled legislature will do no such thing.  Precedent tells us that both on the state and national level, republican ideology is toxic for government's fiscal matters.

It is worthwhile repeating that when former governor Kathleen Blanco left office the Louisiana unemployment rate was 3.8%.  The latest unemployment rate released for the state was over 6%.  Trickle down economics of massive tax breaks for business is not a job creator or revenue producer.  And coupled with budget cuts it becomes suicide for Louisiana's fiscal health.

Where has the editorial board of the Times Picayune been during all those years of silence?  They even asked the question, "who will fight for us?"  Well, surely it has not been the Times Picayune in a timely manner.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio