Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Republican Presidential Candidates and The Republican Party Are In Turmoil.

The Republican Presidential debates have been a disaster three times.  After the last one they blamed CNBC, the moderators and the republican national committee.  The candidates are even talking about making their own plans for future debates.  And to top it off, Carson and Trump are still on top and going strong while the republican party's political elite are struggling.

Jeb Bush has been doing so poorly the Bush clan and their advisers met recently in Houston to try and make sense of what is taking place.  The elder President Bush does not understand the personal attacks taken place among the republican candidates and especially those about his son Jeb.  The news media in general are making wild guesses as to what is going on in the republican party.  Well, "PolitiDose" explained what is going on for all its readers some time ago.  Personal attacks by republicans against democrats is SOP for the GOP and it started with Newt Gingrich and continues this day.  But along came Donald Trump, a non politician who turned the tables on his own party by using the republican tactic to attack his republican opponents and they can not take it.  They are flat out of a response.

The elder President Bush used personal attacks against Michael Dukakis when they ran for President but now republican candidates are attacking his son Jeb and he says he does not understand.  Of course he really does.To make sense of the problem of the debates one has to know and understand the candidates and the party's ideology.You can not debate the issues when you have no record of accomplishments.  Their tax plan clearly show they still do not understand arithmetic.  The same Word that haunted Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan during the 2012 election.  Vice President Joe Biden really explained that in his debate with Ryan and Ryan had no rebuttal.  And now the republican candidates are opposing any questions from the moderators and some have suggested the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh moderate the debates.  In other words throw me some candy.

The candidates have been stung so hard by Trump they are taking it out on each other and the moderators.  One man, Donald Trump has exposed the real GOP problems and the originator was the GOP itself.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio