Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cynthia Tucker, A Wise Journalist Concerning Immigration

Ms. Tucker in her editorial titled, "Quit Hiring Immigrants: See What Happens" published in the New Orleans Times Picayune dated Feb. 5th showed wisdom on the subject matter. Past Presidents and the congress has struggled to come up with a workable solution to curb the problem. Now Ms. Tucker has a suggestion that is very basic to the problem that would not cost billions of dollars in this writers judgement like the fence the federal government built on the Arizona border and the U.S. troops sent there to police the area.

Ms. Tucker suggest business be required to use a national computer system to verify the legal status of employees, that would dramatically curb illegal immigration. She pointed out illegal border crossers come here for better economic opportunity that reads as "jobs." If they could not get jobs many would not come she pointed out.

The suggestion by Ms. Tuckerhas merit and congress should take that first step that would lead to comprehensive reform of immigration. Business should be held accountable for hiring illegal immigrants and the law should be enforced. The editorial also points out how Obama's predecessor used a failed scheme of workplace raids that punished illegal immigrants but left their employers largely unscathed.

Our elected officials in Washington, especially congress would do well to keep this editorial posted on their desk. The law is on their side, the only thing it now takes is character and courage to make sure the change Ms. Tucker has suggested takes place. Put business on notice and enforce the law. Require them to verify the legal status of whom they hire. It was pointed out in the editorial there is a system available to check workers, it is called e-verify, an instant back ground check run by the Department of Homeland Security.

Congress and the President need to act now.