Monday, June 23, 2014

More Confirmation That Understanding The Past Is The Key To A Better Future

Former U.S. Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson wrote a commentary published in the Huffington Post on 6/22/14 titled, "Iraq:  The Way Ahead Requires Understanding The Past."  Joseph Wilson readers will remember was the person sent to Niger to check out the fiction that Saddam Hussein purchased yellow cake(nuclear material) from that country and reported back no such evidence existed.  That put the Bush administration in more denial.  His wife, a CIA employee was outed by members of Bush's administration to try and get back at Wilson. 

Readers of "PolitiDose" knows this writers position on "Understanding the past is the key to a better future" and expressed that in many past commentary.  Wilson in his article stated above explains how that applies to the Iraq situation today.  A few things he pointed out was that Saddam told him in one of his visits to Iraq was if he was ever deposed Iraq would break up into pieces and chaos.  Saddam ruled with an iron fist but kept the country together.  He was a Sunni, the minority party in Iraq.  The Shia and Kurds were the other parties in Iraq with the Shia being the majority like they are in Iran and Syria.

Wilson pointed out that President George H.W. Bush (Sr.) understood that and what a break up of Iraq with out Saddam would do to destabilize Iraq and other parts of the middle east.  That is why Bush did not seek to remove Saddam after the Gulf War in 1991.  In other words Bush senior understood the past and did not want to undermind the future.  (Editors note)

President George W. Bush did not understand or pay attention to Iraq's past, ordered the invasion and occupation of that country over WMD that did not exist and there fore undermined and destablized Iraq which was the prelude to what is taken place in Iraq today.  What Saddam told Wilson would happen if he was deposed has come true.  The three parties in Iraq are being joined by terrorists and other Sunnis and Shia from outside Iraq and playing havoc. 

In previous commentary I pointed out how the very first civilization on earth said they were taught that understand the past was the key to the future and that man controlled his own fate.  I also pointed out that Bush was not fated to invade Iraq but since he failed to understand the past he fated Iraq into chaos.

Joseph Wilson's article should be read by everyone, including President Obama and future Presidents to gain understanding before they act.  And hopefully "PolitiDose" helped plant the seed why a better future for our people is found in understanding the past.

Reference related articles:  The U.S., Past, Present and Future published 12/31/08
                                         What will the New Year Bring politically?  published 12/28/10

This commentary written by John Lucia.