Friday, July 19, 2024

EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT: ARMAGEDDON; The Break Up Of The Republican Party.

 July 18, 2024 will be remembered as a day of infamy for the Republican Party.  On that ugly day in Milwaukee, Wis., at their national convention, the GOP officially nominated for President, a convicted criminal and former President who attempted to overturn the 2020 President election.  It was the very first time a major political party in America decided to support such a candidate with a criminal record. They also nominated a person who is a sexual abuser, serial liar, and whose companies have been convicted of fraud multiple times.  The nomination was so outside the NORM of political behavior the Republican party is no longer a political party.  They are now a CULT organization led by their CULT leader Donald Trump whose rhetoric is toxic and violent.  

This new CULT organization has accepted Trump's rap sheet of corruption and have plans to tell every American how to live their lives.  One republican Lt. Governor said a week or so ago that, "some people need killing."  Who knows who he had in mind?  His comment may have already led to violence.  Supporting a CULT leader like Trump indicates you accept criminal and corrupted elected officials and therefore accept corrupted government.  

Past Presidents, Vice Presidents, some members of congress, some running for the nomination of President and other offices have in the past resigned their positions because of unacceptable behavior or withdrew.  President Nixon resigned the presidency because his own party told him he would be impeached if he did not.  Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned because he was indicted for bribery.  Senator Gary Hart withdrew his candidacy for President.  And there were others and none of those people's failures are even close to Trump's unacceptable behavior.  Yet here we are with Trump's CULT willing to stoop so low even after they know all the facts.  

The GOP once had leaders with morals and understood and accepted the NORMS of public service.  The new republican CULT organization has trampled the moral NORMS of political leadership.  And if successful will come after democracy and America the Beautiful.  The people have to go to the polls on  election day and see that it does not take place.  The facts tell us, Donald Trump, by his own actions should never be allowed to hold any public office ever again.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio