Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Another First For PolitiDose

After much commentary in PolitiDose concerning the democratic controlled U.S. House doing its part in the fight against the coronavirus by passing a needed stimulus package to help the economy and its people recover, we finally hear from Dana Milbank, columnist for the Washington Post in an opinion column dated 10/29 titled, "Rich Mitch Acts For The Wealthy and Not The Hurting Americans." 

Milbank comments how republican senator Mitch McConnell would not take up the House passed $2.2 trillion stimulus plan nor the $3 Trillion original stimulus plan which money would already be circulating in the economy.  PolitiDose commented on that along with other needed legislation passed by the House that McConnell would not even take up for debate, much less a vote.  The general news media are always behind PolitiDose reporting on  those issues that really matter and make a difference.  In fact the news media paid little attention to a piece of major legislation passed by the House that would lower prescription drug prices over five months ago.  McConnell also let that legislation die in his senate chamber.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for timely information.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

What Is Important Is That The American People Understand The Word "TRANSITION."

 The America people understand exactly what democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden means when he says a Biden administration will work to expand the country's energy sector from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy by a certain date and it will be done by TRANSITION.  Trump and his ditto heads, some Oil and Gas executives included, sought to use a lie saying Joe Biden would immediately shut down the industry and the jobs associated with it.  They allow themselves to not understand the word TRANSITION in favor of a stupid lie thinking about the election around the corner.

The Oil and  Gas industry, like Trump, have been lying for years about democratic administrations trying to put them out of business.  The Kennedy-Johnson administration in the 1960's eliminated their tax breaks called the 12 and half percent depletion allowance and the industry claimed it would put them out of business.  Well of course as every one knows it did not because the administration knew it was just another tax gift to an industry that did not need it.  Plus the readers of PolitiDose understood from previous commentary that the industry does better on the democratic watch.

According to the LSU Center For Energy Studies, 8,000 oil and gas jobs were lost in Louisiana since the start of the economic recession.  From 72,000 workers to 64,000 workers.  In a separate report by the Baker-Hughes rig report on October 23, there were 12 rigs working offshore and that a year earlier there were 21 rigs operating, a reduction of 43%.  And it took  place on Trump's watch.  We also  know as fact that the oil and gas industry did better under the administration of President Obama than they did under President George W. Bush and also so far under President Trump.

TRANSITION, such an easy word to understand if one has the wisdom to do so.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio