Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Another First For PolitiDose

After much commentary in PolitiDose concerning the democratic controlled U.S. House doing its part in the fight against the coronavirus by passing a needed stimulus package to help the economy and its people recover, we finally hear from Dana Milbank, columnist for the Washington Post in an opinion column dated 10/29 titled, "Rich Mitch Acts For The Wealthy and Not The Hurting Americans." 

Milbank comments how republican senator Mitch McConnell would not take up the House passed $2.2 trillion stimulus plan nor the $3 Trillion original stimulus plan which money would already be circulating in the economy.  PolitiDose commented on that along with other needed legislation passed by the House that McConnell would not even take up for debate, much less a vote.  The general news media are always behind PolitiDose reporting on  those issues that really matter and make a difference.  In fact the news media paid little attention to a piece of major legislation passed by the House that would lower prescription drug prices over five months ago.  McConnell also let that legislation die in his senate chamber.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for timely information.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

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