Sunday, April 3, 2016

Commentary In PolitiDose And By Washington Post Journalist E.J. Dionne Are On The Same Page

"PolitiDose" supporters have been reading past commentaries where this writer has pointed out time and again how the news media has failed to report the good things that take place in the United States.  Instead, they focus on the extreme, the negative and divisive statements of the republican party and especially those associated with Donald Trump.  One would think the United States is a third world country after being exposed to their broadcasts.

The remarkable turn around of the economy, job creation, a sustained reduction in deficit spending, lowering the unemployment rate, the Affordable Care Act, keeping America safe at home and abroad and a host of other accomplishments that has moved the country and its people forward has all been over looked and under reported in favor of the negative voices out there who care only about obstruction and falsehoods.

"Make America Great Again" sounds good only to the uninformed.  America's success with its allies against ISIS gives way to fear reporting and just recently the news media gave little time and attention to three of ISIS's top leaders being brought to justice in the last 5 weeks when they were killed by American air strikes.  The news media was too busy reporting on Trump and the republican's Presidential circus including two of the candidate's wives.

Now comes Washington Post Journalist E.J. Dionne in a Times Picayune story of April 3 who writes and I quote:  The evidence is in and it shows that the dominate media narratives about 2016 are wrong.  Our country is not roiled with across the board discontent, and Donald Trump is not the most important voice in our politics.  Turmoil in one of our political parties is being misread as reflecting a deep crisis well beyond its boundaries.  

Dionne goes on to say the following:  (1)  the best revealing and underplayed development this week was Gallup's finding that President Obama's approval rating was at 53%.  George W. Bush's approval rating at the same point in his Presidency was 32%.  (2)  The demography of Obama's support explains why a relentless media focus on Trump and the republican primaries entirely warps the message coming from Americans as a whole.  (3)  The voices of conservative republicans are being amplified beyond all reason by the obsession with Trump and the GOP struggles.  Dionne also reports that everything in America is not going swimmingly good but Trumpism is a very poor guide to what needs to be done.

E.J. Dionne in this writers opinion is the best journalist on the issues because his commentary covers the facts of the subject matter he writes about and he fully understands the issues.  He does not inject wild comments, use cliches or try to bend the issue to support a certain position or ideology.  "PolitiDose" is proud to have such a respected journalist agree with some of the positions taken in its commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio