Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Understanding The Past Is Still The Key To The Future: A Continuing Story

The very first Civilization on earth, that began almost 6000 years ago by the Sumerians contained every aspect of civilization that we have today and more.  Women played a major role in Sumerian life, in commerce, in the arts, they were managers of business and etc.  Science and teaching also played a major role in the development of their civilization and every day life.  History and written records that have been discovered confirm how advanced they were.

The Sumerians had a code of conduct for all aspects of life.  A laborer should be paid a just wage, wages should not be with held from workers, teachers were held in high esteem, science was knowledge and the list goes on and on. 

Now flash forward to the year 2013.  We have a war against women who still can not obtain equal pay in the work place and are still considered unequal by many in congress and business.  The working middle class has fallen behind the elite big time in wages, pensions are reduced, health care is reduced or eliminated while their CEO's are awarded millions in bonuses and other goodies.  Business is given special tax breaks at the expense of the middle class.

Science and the benefits that flow from it are being challenged and in many cases denied.  Of course we know science and the teaching their of is the life line to learning and progress.  Every nation that has suppressed science and their teachings has experienced a dark period of time.

Our present civilization in the United States has regressed on the most improtant issues.  All one has to do is look at the dismal record of congress, especially the republican ideology that drives their unAmerican behavior.  Republican ideology has been substituted for science and its teaching.  Raising the minimum wage for the average worker is not necessary and the beat goes on.

Our civilization is now going thru the Sequester notion because of ideology.  If it takes place it will be a farther set back for civility and what we humans stand for and how we treat others, especially the average American.  The Sumerian code of conduct for government, trade, commerce, science and life in general was superior than it is today in America because ideology pushes aside facts.

Will America's failure to learn from and understand the past doom our future.  Is that outcome being played out before our very eyes and does it really have to come to that.  The Sumerians believed man's fate was alterable and could be changed by man for the better or for the worse.  Do our leaders today have the wisdom, courage and leadership to learn from the past and do what is required for civilization's future?  Time will tell.

This commentary written by John Lucia

Special Note:  Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicle Book, "When Time Began" spells out just how advanced the Sumerian Civilization Was.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Rachel Maddow's Hubris: The Selling Of The Iraq War

Maddow's February 18 show concerning the Iraq war was a good account for those who did not follow the war at the time or the run up to that war.  It is a story that should be told often so that America never forgets it was an unnecessary war, a war of lies and manipulation that took the lives of over 4400 American troops and wounded over 30,000, many who will never walk again without assistance.

Maddow's information concerning "curveball", "yellow cake", "mobil labs" and etc., has been known for several years now and is nothing new to the public who followed the war.  Books have been written on the subject matter.  The real story about the war was how the news media failed to do its job by failing to ask the important questions and because they let themselves be intimidated by the Bush administration.  And of course they had the pro war military generals on their shows every night talking about Iraq's WMD.

This writer wrote a two part commentary over 5 years ago titled, "The Rosetta Stone To The War In Iraq dated 12/8/07 and 12/11/07 that was published here in "Politidose".  I believe those two commentaries provide a more accurate account of the Bush administration's lies concerning Iraq's WMD, the alleged Al Queda-Iraq link and the U.N. inspectors in Iraq after the Gulf War of '91 and prior to the Iraq invasion of 2003.  It is hard to believe that Maddow never even touched upon just a few items covered in those commentaries.

President Bush and V.P. Cheney did indeed commit an impeachable act with their lies and cover up and used our men and women in uniform to pursue a neocon un-American ideology.  Our men and women in uniform go where the commander in chief tells them to go.  They go without complaining, do their job well and obey orders and the President took advantage of the sacrifice that is required of them.  The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 was a real threat to our nation and President Kennedy answered the call with a policy that worked and protected our men and women in uniform and at the same time protected our security.  The Iraq situation was a flea compared to the Cuban elephant and Bush failed the test of a true leader.  His lack of courage and true leadership has already been written in the history books and our men and women in uniform paid the ultimate price over WMD that did not exist. 

This post written by John Lucia

Friday, February 22, 2013

MSNBC's "The Ed Show" Champion Of The Middle Class

Ed Schultz has been the one person who has focused on the plight of the middle class for the past two years.  He has done so on his nightly show with the facts and charts and backed up sources.  The disparity of income for the 1% over the middle class with charts speak with clarity on the subject matter.

Ed and his show were instrumental in helping President Obama win reelection.  He and President Clinton were able to demonstrate to the American people exactly what the middle class has been up against and that Mitt Romney and the republican party if elected were not about to change the status quo.  He also exposed the attempt by the republican party to supress the vote in several states during the November elections.  That mobilized the voters to be vigilant, have patience and stay in line as long as it would take.

Ed Shultz continues to push the cause of the middle class and is articulate in his report of how the republicans in congress continue to obstruct the President and the country from moving forward.  Ed  and I have a lot in common as I wrote a past commentary here in politidose dated 11/23/07 titled Corporate America:  Leaving The Average Ameican In The Dust.  For those whose follow politidose, they know Ed and I are on the same page.

Written by John Lucia

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Wisdom and Courage Of President Kennedy: A Continuing Story

President Kennedy said that our problems are man made and therefore can be solved by man.  True leaders such as Kennedy had character, courage and wisdom to propose and make changes that addressed the true nature of our problems that man created.  Our leaders today in congress, especially republicans and their leadership have no concept of character, courage or wisdom and as a result put themselves on a path to obstruction with an unAmerican ideology. 

Republican leadership roles in the U.S. House and Senate under John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are actually void of any real leadership to move the nation and its people forward with solving the nations made made problems, especially the budget stand off they created themselves.  They gave up that leadership position when they vowed not to work with President Obama.  Their lack of character, wisdom and courage to serve the cause of the people and the nation has produced the use of outright lies in their talking points on almost every issue.

The republican expression of cutting spending, balancing the budget and creating jobs on the watch of democratic administrations and not applying the same standard to republican administrations has made the republican the "phony" party.  Precedent concerning the past actually tells us that the nation and its people do better under democratic administrations and that includes balancing the budget, cutting spending and creating jobs and an economy that works better for all, especially the middle class.

Under the current administration the republicans in congress have done everything in its power to obstruct the President's policies and proposals because they have enough votes in the House and Senate to do so under the present rules.  Character, courage and wisdom does not exist in their elite world of politics.  During the administration of George W. Bush, they rubber stamped the policies that gave the nation and its people the second great republican depression and now want the people to pay for their corrupt demands and unAmerican behavior. 

America has never seen as many man made problems as we have today due to the republicans determination to obstruct.  Kennedy as a Senator and President knew how important it was to have character, courage and wisdom.  He was a veteran of WWII and knew the meaning of sacrifice for the benefit of the nation and its people.

The problem with lacking those three virtues feeds on itself.  There is no one inside or outside of congress in the republican party who is willing to say enough is enough and set a different course and scrap their unAmerican ideology.  Worst of all today, is that some republicans are trying to express a different message but are not changing their policies or unAmerican attitude.  This has been going on too long and America and its people deserve better.  Republican Senator Marco Rubio in his response to the President's State of the Union address was the same old republican talking points, nothing to offer the people and complete disregard for the 2012 Presidential election which told the republicans their prescription for the economy stinks.  Character, courage and wisdom is completly absent in the leadership of the republican party.

Monday, February 4, 2013

President Obama And The BP Moratorium

BP's guilty plea in the explosion of its Macondo well in 2010 that killed 11 workers and injured others proved that the President's decision was correct and that those elected officials from Louisiana in congress were wrong in opposing the moratorium.  Those elected officials put the guilty party and the oil industry in general first and disregarded those who were killed or injured. 

According to an article published in the Times Picayune of 1/30/13, BP's plea agreement was accepted by U.S. District Judge Sarah Vance along with BP's offer to plead guilty to 11 counts of felony manslaughter, one count of felony obstruction of Congress and a variety of environmental crimes.  If it were up to those Louisiana officials in congress they would have let offshore drilling proceed before any investigation to find the cause of the explosion.  The tragedy of this accident which took 11 lives would have taken a back seat because of those elected officials relationship with the oil industry.  BP's plea agreement that was accepted was $4 billion.

President Obama stood tall dispite the personal attacks by those opposed to the moratorium and did the right thing for the people who suffered from the disaster.  This writer wrote several commentaries after the explosion how the Times Picayune, the news media in general and elected officials never told the real story of what happened in April of 2010.  This sad chapter in offshore drilling, BP's plea and the influence of the oil and gas industry has over elected officials should be a wake up call to the people who think they can trust those who are willing to lie and put peoples life and property at risks in favor of profit.

And to think, this is the industry who receives billions of dollars in corporate welfare in the form of tax breaks and loop holes thanks to our elected officials in congress who write the tax codes and grant these breaks. The people should also never forget the harm that the oil industry has done to Louisiana's environment with their onshore drilling which is controlled by the state of Louisiana.  The damage done to Louisiana's wet lands, marshes and salt water invasion caused by the dredging of canals for oil industry operations have been overlooked by the state's regulators for the past 40 plus years and the industry has not been held accountable.

How long will the people of Louisiana tolerate this environmental carnage?

This commentary written by John Lucia.