Monday, November 19, 2007

Kerry Will Prove His Case

The American people have seen first hand how many Republicans have attacked the patriotism of many veterans who wore the uniform of their country during their generations war.  It came to a head when veterans questioned the way Mr. Bush has managed the war in Iraq.  I mentioned before in a previous commentary how a good many of the neocons who clamored for war in Iraq either never wore the uniform of their country or joined the reserve to dodge the draft.
Now we know that T. Boone Pickens, an oil tycoon, provided $3 million to bankroll the group "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth" (the group that ran the attack adds against Senator John Kerry).  Mr. Pickens is a well known neocon and was willing to be used by the Bush campaign during the 2004 elections to try and discredit Kerry's election bid and service to his country.  Pickens said he would pay $1 million to anyone who can disprove even a single charge against Kerry made by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Senator Kerry is taking Mr. Pickens up on the challenge and now Mr. Pickens is throwing up road blocks to that challenge.  It is interesting to note that T. Boone Pickens was of prime age during his generations war but according to several sources, he has no military record.  If that is true, he follows the pattern of so many neocons in this administration who love to see other's children go off to war while they stay home and count their money.  The neocons feel inadequate so they take it out on our veterans who volunteered their service to their country, one of the highest acts of patriotism.