Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Presidential Debate Of 2020.

For those who tuned into the debates during the Presidential campaign of 2016 knew how the Trump-Biden debate of Tuesday night would unfold because of precedent.  During the republican candidates debate and Trump's debate with Hillary Clinton during 2016 Trump ignored the rules of the debate he agreed to follow, constantly interrupted and berated his opponents and the moderators and displayed his lack of civility.  He was an unrestrained loud mouth.

Tuesday's night debate with Biden was no different and in fact Trump sounded and acted like a maniac and confirmed once again his mental unfitness to be President and his mental decline as the days go by.  Democratic nominee Joe  Biden had the upper hand, was calm, called out Trump's lies and destroyed Trump's attempt to blame others for his own failures.  Biden was also able to smile and laugh at Trump's antics, told Trump to shut up and called the President a clown.  It was a good night for Biden who spoke directly to the people and said they can end the Trump disaster with their vote on November 3.

 Trump's terrible debate performance confirms what this writer commented about in PolitiDose and what Nancy Pelosi said about why Biden should not debate Trump.  You can not debate a liar who has no civility or moral values concerning the debate process.  The debate process is broken and the moderators share in the blame.  Chris Wallace did not do his job as moderator on Tuesday night and this writer believes the last two Trump-Biden debates should be cancelled and that future Presidential debates should be predicated on a different process and settings with controlled responses from each candidate.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Mitch McConnell and The Silent News Media.

 Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate Majority Leader as usual came up with an excuse that denying President Obama Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland a hearing and vote was justified.  Other ditto head republicans in congress picked up the fake news and tried their own lies and excuses to defend the position they created themselves in 2016.

The news media carried their sorry excuse as if it was justified.  They completely ignored the republican record of dirty tricks.  They forgot to mention that it was Mitch McConnell who said in public when President Obama was first elected President he and his party wanted to make Obama a one term President and would not support any of his policies.  In other words, Obama was a democrat and that is why he would not support his administration.  It is the same reason McConnell would not advance Obama's Supreme Court nominee, simply because it was a democratic President who nominated him.  McConnell used the election year as an excuse and his actions on Trump's nominee is proof. 

The general news media is frozen when it comes to answering the republicans lies, fake news and hypocritical actions.  They feel they have no responsibility to report the republicans dis-information and propaganda.  Yet, it is the news media that floods the news cycle every day with Trump and the republicans rhetoric.  And Mitch McConnell is the ultimate un-American person serving in congress.  And he demonstrates it every day.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Trump Is Playing Out What Russia's Putin Taught Him.

 The world knows how Putin interfered in the U.S. 2016 Presidential elections and how they are currently doing it again now in the upcoming November 3 election and that they are doing so in favor of Trump.  Our intelligence community and the FBI has the proof to back it all up and have reported so to congress.

Putin and his cronies use all forms of misinformation, disinformation and lies to affect the election outcome.  And we now see Trump using those same Putin tactics to claim election fraud before the election even takes place and even planting the seed that the courts will have to determine the outcome.  Even more un-American, un-democratic and un-Presidential was Trump's boast that his Supreme Court nominee would help him be reelected if the court has to step in.  That statement is  corruption of the Supreme Court and any Trump nominee should step up to the plate and withdraw their name for consideration and not risk Trump's toxic infection of the Court.

Trump's actions tell us he believes Biden will win the election, probably by a large margin so he is following Putin's game plan and advise.  Trump and Putin are one and the same and Trump's enablers have failed to stand up for democracy and the constitution.  On November 3, the American people who have always stood up for America in it hour of need have another chance to do so and wash away the dark clouds that engulf the White House.  The lawless President has to be removed from office the democratic way.

This  commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Another Reason Why PolitiDose Commentary Continues To Be Valid Concerning The Abortion Issue.

Now comes republican conservative journalist Michael Gerson in commentary dated 9/20 in the New  Orleans Advocate titled, "Why a pro life voter should balk at thought of Trump's reelection."  In his commentary Gerson tells why he is voting for Joe Biden and the reasons why so called pro lifers should also do the same.  Gerson it should be noted is pro life but prior to Trump's election never said the things he said in the above commentary to this writers knowledge.

For instance, he noted that the number of abortions have gone down on the democratic watch as it has on the republican watch and that the assumption that abortion would increase on Biden's watch was found to be inadequate and the numbers prove it.  He also pointed out that the abortion rate fell each year of President Obama's two terms in office.  Gerson noted that the abortion rate today is lower than it was when Roe Vs. Wade was decided.

Gerson took the time to explain that abortion is only one issue in the campaign and that treating the election as a referendum on abortion is a way to live with Trump's moral ugliness.  Many of Gerson's comments mirror what this writer commented many times over in PolitiDose over a number of years.  Namely, that a real debate has never taken place concerning Roe vs. Wade and abortion and all the related factors.  And PolitiDose took the time to talk about those factors.

Gerson's commentary is appreciated by this writer even though through the years the republicans in congress, past republican Presidents and many republican conservative journalists used the abortion issue to divide the country and used it as the lone and most important issue during elections.  They also failed the test on abortion by pushing the absurd concept that if one is pro choice, they are also pro abortion.

The larger problem lies in the comments made by republicans and conservatives over the years concerning abortion and the fact that they try to make abortion a democratic issue and problem and never find the time to remind the people that Roe vs. Wade was decided by a republican conservative appointed Supreme Court and by their majority vote.  The vote was 7-2 and 5 of those votes were by Justices appointed by republican Presidents.

Perhaps Gerson's commentary will help people understand what is really at the heart of Presidential elections and how important are the many issues that face the country.  PolitiDose will continue to do its part to keep the people up to date with commentary that really matter and make a difference.

So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trump And The Republican Party In Congress Continue To Flaunt Their Un-American and Un-Democratic Ideology.

The untimely death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a great loss for Justice in the highest court of America.  But President Trump used the loss to declare he would immediately nominate a replacement for Judge Ginsburg and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would proceed with a Senate hearing in a speedy manner before the Presidential election.  What Trump and McConnell announced was the opposite of how President Obama's nominee to fill a vacancy to the court was opposed by both Trump and McConnell who refused to give Obama's choice a hearing.

The politicalizing of the Supreme Court by Trump, McConnell and the republican party in dealing with President Obama's nominee and now their 368 degree turn for Trump's nominee is nothing short of Un-American and Un-Democratic no matter how one looks at it.  It is also an autocratic act by those who look at themselves as Kings who can trample on American Justice to serve their own political purpose.  Trump, McConnell and his party in congress are truly deplorables.  McConnell and his party in congress stand along side of Trump with their own betrayal of America and its institutions.

 The darkness that Trump and his ditto head party has cast over our great land has to come to an end on November 3.  Its the only way to deal with the corruptive rule that Trump and his party has established.

This commentary was written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, September 12, 2020

President Trump's News Media Enablers Who Claim To Be Conservatives

First, lets clear the deck.  When it comes to republicans in the news media who use the word conservative to describe themselves, it indicates their un-willingness to be an American first and foremost.  Like Trump, they are unfit to serve in an industry that is vital to free speech because their every move is to protect a President who lies about everything on a regular basis.

They are also the mouth piece of the republican party in general and the opponent of the democratic party in particular.  And its to the point of adopting Trump and his party's talking points regardless of the facts.  At the moment, they have accepted trump's word concerning his relationship with Russia and their interference in the 2016 presidential election and now the 2020 election instead of the U.S. intelligence community reports about Trump's involvement with Russia. 

Conservative opinion writers with a few exceptions like Michael Gerson, are all in on Trump's traitorous acts and betrayal and even use excuses to justify his actions.  Their common denominator seems to be facts don't matter, its what we can sell that does.  But when you are a Trump ditto head and have no character or courage and no respect for the public good, you are no better than Trump who lives at the bottom of the toxic barrel.

This writer commented through the years (before Trump) how so called conservative news media spends more time attacking democrats while republican administrations are running the country instead of talking about republican administrations who are running the country.  And now, under Trump, they are doing the same thing, especially opinion writers.  Well as spelled out before, the reasons they do that is because republican administrations have no accomplishments to articulate.  And sure enough, Trump will end his term in office as one of the worst performing Presidents in the past 50 years.

But hey, the so called conservative media will have done their job, passing on false information about the democratic party and promoting the lies and fake news of Trump and his party.  Congratulations on being just as toxic as Trump and his party.

This commentary written  by Joe Lorio

Friday, September 11, 2020

Trump and His Republican Controlled U.S. Senate Fail To Pass Their Pandemic Stimulus Relief Bill.

Trump and his republicans in the U.S. Senate still can not get their act together to pass the stimulus relief they have been talking about since the "Cares Act" expired July 31.  They can not even agree among themselves what the cost should be.  First it was around $1-1.5 trillion dollars which sparked an outcry from their own party members, then they finally settled on $600 billion that was voted on and defeated 52-47. 

So the only stimulus relief legislation that has passed for the expired "Cares Act" was the bill passed by the democratic controlled U.S. House several months ago.  Trump and his party failed to even debate the bill with any counter offers and did what they always do, demagogue the issue.  After the Senate failed to act in good faith with the House's bill Trump had his Treasury Secretary deal with house speaker Nancy Pelosi on the bill but there is still no movement on the bill and Trump continues to fail at governing.  All the while the death total continues to climb over the 190,000 mark and the economy is in an anemic recovery stage. 

Nineteen years ago President George W. Bush, Congress and the nation dame together after terrorists killed over 3000 Americans on 9/11/2001.  There was a common purpose for the country to act as one and it did so.  Nineteen years later we have a virus pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 190,000 Americans  and we have a President, Donald Trump who divides the country, congress and the people, lies about the pandemic, fails to lead and take responsibility and uses division as a political tool.  The contrast is so un-American and extreme one could never predict such a happening would take place. 

And to top it off, the President is still using those tactics less than two months before the election while the pandemic is still raging.  America and its people deserve better and can change the status quo on November 3 with their vote.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The President of The United States Donald Trump Sinks To A New Low As His Traitorous Act Continue

The recent revelations published in the "Atlantic Magazine" concerning the President's disparaging remarks toward our men and women in uniform and especially those serving in combat, in war zones and those who died or were POW's are unforgiveable for a President and Commander in Chief.  The President's denial ring hollow and self serving since the "Atlantic" account has been verified by other sources and Trump himself has a history of using such remarks against individuals who have served and or still serve in the military.

The Commander in Chief by his remarks has dishonored, disrespected and belittled every man and women who wore the uniform of their country and the American flag they honor every day.  And once again, the President and Commander in Chief displays his failure to respect anyone, even those who made the ultimate sacrifice.  The sickness in the White House is a tragedy born by a President who continues to attack every thing democratic about America.  The ugly American President cares only about himself and personal gain.

This writer in a commentary dated 7/31/16 titled, A Traitor Among Us:  Trump, Vladimir Putin and Russia was one of the first and maybe even the first to call out the President for his traitorous acts and betrayal of America and its people early on.  There were also other commentary in PolitiDose concerning the subject matter during Trump's time in office.  But Trump's betrayal of our military stands out as tragic, especially his comments about those who paid the ultimate price and those who were POW's.  And to top it off he used a public comment to name U.S. Senator John McCain who was a POW during the Viet Nam war.

Donald Trump, President and Commander in Chief does not know the meaning of respect or service.  The millions of men and women who wore the uniform of their country deserve an apology and Trump's resignation.  His betrayal of America and traitorous acts deserve nothing less.  The mental unfitness of this President and Commander in Chief is historic.

This commentary written by Joe  Lorio

Monday, September 7, 2020

Protesters Are Not The Threat Trump and His Ditto Heads Would Like You To Believe In An Election Year.

Now comes a report by "Politico" that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has prepared three draft reports warning that white supremacists are currently the most significant threat to the U.S.  The first draft had the strongest language regarding white supremacists and said that among lone offenders and small cells of individuals, the department has concluded that white supremacists extremists, who increasingly are networking with like-minded persons abroad, will pose the most persistent and lethal threat. 

Politico also reported from the drafts that two subsequent draft also stated,  (1)  white supremacists extremists  will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland through 2021.  (2)  That all three drafts warn that white supremacists represents an even greater threat than violence from foreign terrorists groups.  (3)  John Cohen, the department's counterterrorism coordinator from 2011-2014 said the draft document seems to be consistent with earlier intelligence reports from DHS, the FBI and other law enforcement sources.  That the most significant terror-related threat facing the U.S today comes from violent extremists who are motivated by white supremacy and other far-right ideological causes.  (4)  Russia probably will be the primary covert foreign influence actor and purveyor of disinformation and misinformation in the Homeland.

The draft notes that 2019 was the deadliest year for domestic violent extremists since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.  (this writers note:  It happened on Trump's watch) 

And as all should know by now, President Trump has a history of using white supremist groups to divide America and to fan the flames of peaceful protest.  White supremist and other extreme groups have come from out of state armed with weapons to Kenosha and Portland to disrupt peaceful protest and cause trouble.  Trump loves it and his attorney Kellyanne Conway told Fox News the more chaos, anarchy, vandalism and violence is good for Trump's reelection campaign.  Trump not only continues to be toxic to every thing he touches, he violates his oath of office by being lawless. 

The DHS reported drafts seen by Politico tell the story of the real threat to our homeland through 2021 and its not the protesters whom are overwhelming peaceful or the democratic party.  Its Trump's own extreme supporters who support his extreme rhetoric to dive America.  The American voter must change course on November 3 with their vote.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Unemployment Rate and Jobs Report for August 2020.

The U.S. Labor Department announced Friday that 1.4 million jobs returned to the work force in August, down from the 1.8 million jobs in July and the 4.8 million that returned in June.  The unemployment rate came in at 8.4%, down from the 10.2% in July.  But the Labor Department added a note that millions of the unemployed stopped looking for work because of the coronavirus and there fore not included in the unemployment number that the department uses because the department looks at them in a different light.

So as of August 31, only half of the 21.5 million jobs that were lost has returned to work.  And Trump and his party still has no stimulus relief plan to replace the one that expired July 31, over a month ago.  In fact, there is still no national plan to safely open the schools or make the work place more safely to speed up the economic recovery that is necessary to put the economy on a safe footing for growth.  The President's third fiscal year will end on September 30 and the financial numbers on the federal deficit  will be a disaster never before seen.

Every day, Trump's lack of an economic policy and his decision to ignore and then undermine the coronavirus pandemic response becomes glaring.  The economy, health problems and death rate would be less severe if America had a President who was capable of  governing.  And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Another Big First For "PolitiDose" As The News Media Finally Catches Up.

"PolitiDose" continues to lead while the major news media and cable news hosts follow.  This time concerning the violence that has occupied the media and inflamed by President Trump.  Trump, as usual plays the blame game and blames democratic governors and mayors for the violence following the deaths of several black citizens by the local police.

But "PolitiDose" commented long ago it has all taken place on Trump's watch and that as a Presidential candidate in 2016 said all the violence would stop on January 20, 2017 when he took office.  Of course it has not stopped and Trump himself has fanned the flame of violence with his lawless attitude.  Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden addressed that issue in Pittsburgh this week and reminded the people what Trump said and his inaction.

Biden's comment opened the door and used Trump's own words to indict Trump's failure to act.  Then opinion writers in the New Orleans Advocate of Sept. 3 and a letter to the editors that takes Trump to task for trying to run away from his record and his past statements.  It now leaves one to ask how the debate moderators handle this issue concerning Trump's blame game on someone else when Trump himself failed to govern.

There are other elements to this issue that the news media and especially the cable news networks in particular who have allowed Trump  to over blow the Black Lives Matter protest.  If one listens to their reports and Trump's rhetoric one would think America is on fire.  But the so called riots and lootings are restricted to a few cities only and mostly agitated by out of state armed extremist groups who are egged on by Donald Trump himself.   But the news media has failed to tell that story and that the majority of protesters have been peaceful and without weapons. 

PolitiDose also exposed Trump's failure to keep America safe in a commentary in June 2017 like he  said he would  do when one of several mass killings took place on Trump's watch.  In fact the mass shooting and killing in Las Vegas in 2017 was the most deadly mass shooting since the FBI  began keeping records of such incidents.  Trump actually has no record of addressing crime or criminal activity.  He does have a record of lawlessness and encouraging extremist groups to cause trouble.  He also shows respect for no one or any thing American.  And the President's own actions serve as proof he is mentally unfit to be President and Commander in Chief.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio