Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bravo For The New York Philharmonic

On February 26, the New York Philharmonic performed a concert in North Korea that was broadcast live on radio and television.  What a great opportunity for our arts and entertainment to be exposed to the North Korean people.  President Kennedy promoted the Arts and Science and was very active in cultural exchanges because he knew the value of bringing people together.  He honored many  who gave their talents for the good of mankind.
The U.S. should be promoting the same thing with Cuba, instead of hanging on to worthless sanctions.  Sanctions have not changed Cuba in the last 50 years, just like the sanctions against Iran have not changed that country.  We should be promoting the Arts all over the world instead of promoting arrogance and so called "tough talk".  Arts and Science, if promoted with respect, will be accepted by all people, because everyone has a thirst for joy, entertainment, and education.

Many of our leaders today are detached from reality.  We invoke the name of Democracy and try to implement that with war and military might.  We have leaders who have failed to take that first step and show the world our true strength and value as a nation.  No nation or people will ever reach their potential nor will humanity reach its highest level of achievement without the Arts and Science.
So, to the New York Philharmonic, I say once again: BRAVO!  You have hopefully lifted the spirits of the Korean people and planted the seed to understanding America.  Hopefully, this cultural exchange will continue and spill over into other countries.  It is way over do.