Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Will Pope Francis's Latest Statement Change The Political Rhetoric?

Pope Francis in his wisdom said the Roman Catholic Church had grown obsessed with preaching about abortion, gay marriage and contraception and that he has chosen not to speak of those issues despite recrimination from some critics.  The Pope was speaking as head of the Catholic Church and not about our political system although the republican party is also obsessed with the subject matter and uses those issues to divide the country, especially during elections. 

It remains to be seen if the republican party tones down its rhetoric but I doubt it.  That opinion is based on the fact that the party's constant opposition to every thing is their way of trying to divert attention from the critical issues facing the country because they have no policies to move the country forward.    In other words, keep the news media, the people and democrats busy answering their negative and divisive pronouncements and the real issues will get lost or pushed aside.

A good example is the present situation going on now with the budget and extension of the debt ceiling.  The republicans have injected "Obamacare" into this issue and it does not belong there.  They have no real sense of fairness and what is in the best interest for the nation and its people concerning the budget/debt ceiling so they use "Obamacare" as the wedge issue to divide the people and divert attention from the real issue.

The Pope also put his remarks in the context that the Church is a big tent with many more important issues that have an impact on all phases of the Catholic Church.  This too can be related to our political system concerning the subject matter because the nation and its people are facing more serious problems that need to be addressed.

The United States is a nation of diverse ideas because of its people.  It has been a big tent country for a long time and has worked well when the common good is put first.  Our political system is not working well at the present time for the nation and its people.  It is time for the republican party to join the human race and listen to the wisdom of Pope Francis.  The democratic party could have chosen the tactics being used by the republican party when G.W. Bush was President, but instead gave his administration the benefit of the doubt and did not use wedge issues to divide the people and they did not obstruct.

The nation and its people have more problems of greater urgency than abortion, gay marriage and contraceptives.  Those issues are personal issues that the people are capable of dealing with.  The U.S. like the Catholic Church should not be obsessed with those issues and fail to address the broader problems and challenges that it faces.  The people rejected the 47% notion in the November election in favor of the big tent that serves the nation and its people.

It is this writers hope that Pope Francis's comments can accomplish what our political system has failed to do.

This commentary written by John Lucia