Friday, February 11, 2011

What Can The United States Do Concerning The Situation In Egypt

Not very much except what President Obama is trying to do. That is speak with one voice on the side of the people of Egypt and support their cry for democracy. Our one voice should be to support the people's desire to change the behavior of the leaders of Egypt so they can live in an open society with freedom and justice. Other than that the U.S. influence is negligible.

Does any one really believe the billions of dollars that the U.S. gives to countries run by dictators trickle down to the people. Even if it did it would not buy democracy. You have to want democracy before you can have it. The people of Egypt are showing they want democracy with their peaceful demonstrations.

President Kennedy in making his famous speech in Berlin said "contrary to what some people believed, communism was not the wave of the future." He knew full well that repressive regimes would fall in time. His establishment of the peace corps was well with in the realm of spreading democracy and the need for people to work together for the common good. Kennedy did not believe in a Pax Americana for South and Central America either.

Many of our past and present leaders used friendship and support for dictator regimes in the name of national security that has cost our nation rejection from abroad, billions of wasted tax payers dollars and even lives. It also made our country less safe. Kennedy had a better understanding of this than any one else and was moving our country away from those failed policies.

Countries in the middle east and other parts of the world ruled by dictators will over time experience the cry for democracy and it will come from within. People who do not have freedom long for it because it is a basic tenant of life just like self preservation.

The U.S. should be at the lead in supporting the cry of freedom and democracy for all nations. The idea that we have to be in bed with dictator regimes has been a proven disaster. We tried that with the Shah of Iran, Batista in Cuba, Marcos in the Phillipines and yes even with Saddam in Iraq. The President and congress should continue to support the people of Egypt in their quest for freedom and democracy.

Special Note: After I wrote this commentary, it was announced that Mubarak was stepping
down. Now is the time for the President to continue to assist the people of Egypt
and answer any call to help them with the transition.