Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The GOP In The Louisiana State Legislature Has To Step Up To The Plate. Part I

Governor John Bel Edwards  has outlined a plan to the republican controlled state legislature that includes raising state revenue and cutting spending.  Also outlined was drastic cuts that will hurt if revenue is not found to off set those cuts.  So far after one week the special session that was called to address the problem has seen little results from the legislature.

The republicans have to step up to the plate and make the hard choices necessary to reverse the fiscal calamity they themselves helped to create with Jindal by using gimmicks and fairy tale numbers that did not exist. (Like those WMD in Iraq)  Senator Alario and others whose long service is bragged about in the news media have to come clean and support the governor's plans or come up with solutions themselves to solve the financial calamity.  GOP excuses are not longer available or allowed.

It has been said that Louisiana was rolling in money the last two years of governor Blanco's administration because of all the federal revenue that came into the state after Katrina.  Well, governor Blanco, a democrat did not blow it all and in fact left office with a $787 million surplus that landed right in Jindal's lap when he took office.  Jindal and the republicans were not so kind to governor Edwards and left his administration a record $3 billion state deficit thanks to 8 years of previous phony budgets

The fiscal mess has to be addressed by the special session and then the regular session in an honest way where by the can no longer gets kicked down the road.  Only then can the governor and the legislature provide for a stable long term solution when the words BALANCED BUDGET will no longer be a laughing matter.  If the legislators do their job this special session and the next regular session with out the usual gimmicks they can then move onto the most important element of a real long term solution for future growth.  
\That element is to take on the job of tax reform and the failed policies to special interest groups.  That will be the subject of Part II.   Stay tuned.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio