Monday, April 9, 2012

March 2012: Another Good Month For Job Creation And The Unemployment Number

The economy created 120,000 new jobs in March and the unemployment rate fell to 8.2% from 8.3% in February. Job creation has been in positive territory for 25 straight months and manufacturing in the U.S. is leading the way. Unemployment is getting closer every month to the 7% range, a far cry from 9% unemployment the pundits predicted for all of 2012.

The negative voices have tried to portray the 120,000 new jobs as weak compared to recovery of previous recessions. They are full of it because the George W. Bush recession can only be compared to the great depression and not any previous recessions. Can any one really remember another recession when the economy was loosing an average of 500,000 jobs a month? An economy in negative territory most of 2008 and some of 2009? A financial meltdown that Bush recommended to congress to pass a $700 billion bail out? Of course not, but it does not matter to those negative voices because their interest is only to see the President and the country fail.

The President needs to continue to do those things that will continue the forward movement of the economy and job creation. He has to stand fast against extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and continue working to see that Corporate America and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes. The President should also insist that government expenditures should be matched with government revenue. And never again if war comes to our country should only our men and women in uniform and their families be asked to sacrifice for our country. It should be a shared sacrifice like in WWII.